Search Results for author: Matthew Foutter

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Adapting a Foundation Model for Space-based Tasks

no code implementations12 Aug 2024 Matthew Foutter, Praneet Bhoj, Rohan Sinha, Amine Elhafsi, Somrita Banerjee, Christopher Agia, Justin Kruger, Tommaso Guffanti, Daniele Gammelli, Simone D'Amico, Marco Pavone

Foundation models, e. g., large language models, possess attributes of intelligence which offer promise to endow a robot with the contextual understanding necessary to navigate complex, unstructured tasks in the wild.

Language Modelling Navigate

Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Reactive Planning with Large Language Models

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Rohan Sinha, Amine Elhafsi, Christopher Agia, Matthew Foutter, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

Foundation models, e. g., large language models (LLMs), trained on internet-scale data possess zero-shot generalization capabilities that make them a promising technology towards detecting and mitigating out-of-distribution failure modes of robotic systems.

Anomaly Detection Autonomous Vehicles +2

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