Search Results for author: Matthew Nice

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Reinforcement Learning Based Oscillation Dampening: Scaling up Single-Agent RL algorithms to a 100 AV highway field operational test

no code implementations26 Feb 2024 Kathy Jang, Nathan Lichtlé, Eugene Vinitsky, Adit Shah, Matthew Bunting, Matthew Nice, Benedetto Piccoli, Benjamin Seibold, Daniel B. Work, Maria Laura Delle Monache, Jonathan Sprinkle, Jonathan W. Lee, Alexandre M. Bayen

In this article, we explore the technical details of the reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms that were deployed in the largest field test of automated vehicles designed to smooth traffic flow in history as of 2023, uncovering the challenges and breakthroughs that come with developing RL controllers for automated vehicles.

Autonomous Driving Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

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