Search Results for author: Matthias Engelbach

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Combining Embeddings and Domain Knowledge for Job Posting Duplicate Detection

no code implementations10 Jun 2024 Matthias Engelbach, Dennis Klau, Maximilien Kintz, Alexander Ulrich

Job descriptions are posted on many online channels, including company websites, job boards or social media platforms.

Combining Deep Learning and Reasoning for Address Detection in Unstructured Text Documents

no code implementations AAAI Workshop CLeaR 2022 Matthias Engelbach, Dennis Klau, Jens Drawehn, Maximilien Kintz

Extracting information from unstructured text documents is a demanding task, since these documents can have a broad variety of different layouts and a non-trivial reading order, like it is the case for multi-column documents or nested tables.

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