1 code implementation • CVPR 2022 • Christoph Mayer, Martin Danelljan, Goutam Bhat, Matthieu Paul, Danda Pani Paudel, Fisher Yu, Luc van Gool
Optimization based tracking methods have been widely successful by integrating a target model prediction module, providing effective global reasoning by minimizing an objective function.
Ranked #5 on Visual Object Tracking on AVisT
2 code implementations • 21 Mar 2022 • Matthieu Paul, Martin Danelljan, Christoph Mayer, Luc van Gool
We infer a bounding box from the segmentation mask, validate our tracker on challenging tracking datasets and achieve the new state of the art on LaSOT with a success AUC score of 69. 7%.
1 code implementation • 5 Jan 2021 • Matthieu Paul, Martin Danelljan, Luc van Gool, Radu Timofte
Our approach aggregates a rich representation of the semantic information in past frames into a memory module.
no code implementations • 26 Dec 2019 • Matthieu Paul, Christoph Mayer, Luc van Gool, Radu Timofte
(ii) On the GPU, two Convolutional Neural Networks: A main segmentation network that is used to predict dense semantic labels from scratch, and a Refiner that is designed to improve predictions from previous frames with the help of a fast Inconsistencies Attention Module (IAM).
no code implementations • 22 Dec 2019 • Christoph Mayer, Matthieu Paul, Radu Timofte
We test our method on CIFAR10 and SVHN.