Search Results for author: Matti Kaisti

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Empirical investigation of multi-source cross-validation in clinical machine learning

no code implementations22 Mar 2024 Tuija Leinonen, David Wong, Ali Wahab, Ramesh Nadarajah, Matti Kaisti, Antti Airola

However, such estimates tend to be highly overoptimistic when compared to accuracy obtained from deploying models to sources not represented in the dataset, such as a new hospital.

Training neural networks with synthetic electrocardiograms

no code implementations11 Nov 2021 Matti Kaisti, Juho Laitala, Antti Airola

By allowing the randomization to increase beyond what is typically observed in the real-world data the performance is on par or superseding the performance of networks trained with real data.

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