Search Results for author: Max Cytrynbaum

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Finely Stratified Rerandomization Designs

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 Max Cytrynbaum

We study estimation and inference on causal parameters under finely stratified rerandomization designs, which use baseline covariates to match units into groups (e. g. matched pairs), then rerandomize within-group treatment assignments until a balance criterion is satisfied.

Covariate Adjustment in Stratified Experiments

no code implementations7 Feb 2023 Max Cytrynbaum

In the special case of matched pairs, for example, the regression including treatment, covariates, and pair fixed effects is asymptotically optimal.


Optimal Stratification of Survey Experiments

no code implementations16 Nov 2021 Max Cytrynbaum

This paper studies a two-stage model of experimentation, where the researcher first samples representative units from an eligible pool, then assigns each sampled unit to treatment or control.


Blocked Clusterwise Regression

no code implementations29 Jan 2020 Max Cytrynbaum

We give inference results for a k-means style estimator of our model and develop information criteria to jointly select the number clusters for each latent variable.

Clustering Econometrics +2

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