Search Results for author: Maxime Bérar

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Finding path and cycle counting formulae in graphs with Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations2 Oct 2024 Jason Piquenot, Maxime Bérar, Pierre Héroux, Jean-Yves Ramel, Romain Raveaux, Sébastien Adam

This paper presents Grammar Reinforcement Learning (GRL), a reinforcement learning algorithm that uses Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and a transformer architecture that models a Pushdown Automaton (PDA) within a context-free grammar (CFG) framework.

Computational Efficiency reinforcement-learning +1

Technical report: Graph Neural Networks go Grammatical

no code implementations2 Mar 2023 Jason Piquenot, Aldo Moscatelli, Maxime Bérar, Pierre Héroux, Romain Raveaux, Jean-Yves Ramel, Sébastien Adam

This paper introduces a framework for formally establishing a connection between a portion of an algebraic language and a Graph Neural Network (GNN).

Graph Neural Network

Theoretical Guarantees for Bridging Metric Measure Embedding and Optimal Transport

no code implementations19 Feb 2020 Mokhtar Z. Alaya, Maxime Bérar, Gilles Gasso, Alain Rakotomamonjy

Unlike Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance which compares pairwise distances of elements from each distribution, we consider a method allowing to embed the metric measure spaces in a common Euclidean space and compute an optimal transport (OT) on the embedded distributions.

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