Search Results for author: Maximilian Spliethöver

Found 7 papers, 6 papers with code

Argument from Old Man’s View: Assessing Social Bias in Argumentation

no code implementations COLING (ArgMining) 2020 Maximilian Spliethöver, Henning Wachsmuth

Social bias in language - towards genders, ethnicities, ages, and other social groups - poses a problem with ethical impact for many NLP applications.

Word Embeddings

Disentangling Dialect from Social Bias via Multitask Learning to Improve Fairness

1 code implementation14 Jun 2024 Maximilian Spliethöver, Sai Nikhil Menon, Henning Wachsmuth

Dialects introduce syntactic and lexical variations in language that occur in regional or social groups.


No Word Embedding Model Is Perfect: Evaluating the Representation Accuracy for Social Bias in the Media

1 code implementation7 Nov 2022 Maximilian Spliethöver, Maximilian Keiff, Henning Wachsmuth

To cover the whole spectrum of political bias in the US, we collect 500k articles and review psychology literature with respect to expected social bias.

Argument from Old Man's View: Assessing Social Bias in Argumentation

1 code implementation24 Nov 2020 Maximilian Spliethöver, Henning Wachsmuth

Social bias in language - towards genders, ethnicities, ages, and other social groups - poses a problem with ethical impact for many NLP applications.

Word Embeddings

Is It Worth the Attention? A Comparative Evaluation of Attention Layers for Argument Unit Segmentation

1 code implementation WS 2019 Maximilian Spliethöver, Jonas Klaff, Hendrik Heuer

Attention mechanisms have seen some success for natural language processing downstream tasks in recent years and generated new State-of-the-Art results.

Sentence Word Embeddings

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