Search Results for author: Megha Khosla

Found 29 papers, 15 papers with code

A data-centric approach for assessing progress of Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation18 Jun 2024 Tianqi Zhao, Ngan Thi Dong, Alan Hanjalic, Megha Khosla

Therefore, we define homophily and Cross-Class Neighborhood Similarity for multi-label classification and investigate $9$ collected multi-label datasets.

Classification Multi-class Classification +2

AGALE: A Graph-Aware Continual Learning Evaluation Framework

1 code implementation3 Jun 2024 Tianqi Zhao, Alan Hanjalic, Megha Khosla

To foster fair evaluation and recognize challenges in CL settings, several evaluation frameworks have been proposed, focusing mainly on the single- and multi-label classification task on euclidean data.

Continual Learning Graph Learning +2

Model Selection with Model Zoo via Graph Learning

1 code implementation5 Apr 2024 Ziyu Li, Hilco van der Wilk, Danning Zhan, Megha Khosla, Alessandro Bozzon, Rihan Hai

Pre-trained deep learning (DL) models are increasingly accessible in public repositories, i. e., model zoos.

Diversity Graph Learning +1

DINE: Dimensional Interpretability of Node Embeddings

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Simone Piaggesi, Megha Khosla, André Panisson, Avishek Anand

Towards that, we first develop new metrics that measure the global interpretability of embedding vectors based on the marginal contribution of the embedding dimensions to predicting graph structure.

Graph Representation Learning Link Prediction

Does Black-box Attribute Inference Attacks on Graph Neural Networks Constitute Privacy Risk?

no code implementations1 Jun 2023 Iyiola E. Olatunji, Anmar Hizber, Oliver Sihlovec, Megha Khosla

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown promising results on real-life datasets and applications, including healthcare, finance, and education.

Attribute Inference Attack +2

Multi-label Node Classification On Graph-Structured Data

1 code implementation20 Apr 2023 Tianqi Zhao, Ngan Thi Dong, Alan Hanjalic, Megha Khosla

As our second contribution, we define homophily and Cross-Class Neighborhood Similarity for the multi-label scenario and provide a thorough analyses of the collected $9$ multi-label datasets.

Classification Multi-class Classification +1

Privacy and Transparency in Graph Machine Learning: A Unified Perspective

no code implementations22 Jul 2022 Megha Khosla

Graph Machine Learning (GraphML), whereby classical machine learning is generalized to irregular graph domains, has enjoyed a recent renaissance, leading to a dizzying array of models and their applications in several domains.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Graph Learning +1

Private Graph Extraction via Feature Explanations

1 code implementation29 Jun 2022 Iyiola E. Olatunji, Mandeep Rathee, Thorben Funke, Megha Khosla

Based on the different kinds of auxiliary information available to the adversary, we propose several graph reconstruction attacks.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Graph Reconstruction

BAGEL: A Benchmark for Assessing Graph Neural Network Explanations

1 code implementation28 Jun 2022 Mandeep Rathee, Thorben Funke, Avishek Anand, Megha Khosla

Given a GNN model, several interpretability approaches exist to explain GNN models with diverse (sometimes conflicting) evaluation methodologies.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Graph Classification +1

A multitask transfer learning framework for the prediction of virus-human protein-protein interactions

no code implementations26 Nov 2021 Thi Ngan Dong, Graham Brogden, Gisa Gerold, Megha Khosla

We developed a multitask transfer learning approach that exploits the information of around 24 million protein sequences and the interaction patterns from the human interactome to counter the problem of small training datasets.

Language Modelling Transfer Learning

Efficient Neural Ranking using Forward Indexes

1 code implementation12 Oct 2021 Jurek Leonhardt, Koustav Rudra, Megha Khosla, Abhijit Anand, Avishek Anand

In this paper, we propose the Fast-Forward index -- a simple vector forward index that facilitates ranking documents using interpolation of lexical and semantic scores -- as a replacement for contextual re-rankers and dense indexes based on nearest neighbor search.

Document Ranking Retrieval +2

Releasing Graph Neural Networks with Differential Privacy Guarantees

1 code implementation18 Sep 2021 Iyiola E. Olatunji, Thorben Funke, Megha Khosla

With the increasing popularity of graph neural networks (GNNs) in several sensitive applications like healthcare and medicine, concerns have been raised over the privacy aspects of trained GNNs.

Knowledge Distillation Privacy Preserving

MuCoMiD: A Multitask Convolutional Learning Framework for miRNA-Disease Association Prediction

no code implementations8 Aug 2021 Thi Ngan Dong, Megha Khosla

To effectively test the generalization capability of our model, we construct large-scale experiments on standard benchmark datasets as well as our proposed larger independent test sets and case studies.

Learnt Sparsification for Interpretable Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations23 Jun 2021 Mandeep Rathee, Zijian Zhang, Thorben Funke, Megha Khosla, Avishek Anand

However, GNNs remain hard to interpret as the interplay between node features and graph structure is only implicitly learned.

Zorro: Valid, Sparse, and Stable Explanations in Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation18 May 2021 Thorben Funke, Megha Khosla, Mandeep Rathee, Avishek Anand

In this paper, we lay down some of the fundamental principles that an explanation method for graph neural networks should follow and introduce a metric RDT-Fidelity as a measure of the explanation's effectiveness.

Attribute Explanation Generation +2

Achieving differential privacy for $k$-nearest neighbors based outlier detection by data partitioning

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Jens Rauch, Iyiola E. Olatunji, Megha Khosla

When applying outlier detection in settings where data is sensitive, mechanisms which guarantee the privacy of the underlying data are needed.

Outlier Detection

A Review of Anonymization for Healthcare Data

1 code implementation13 Apr 2021 Iyiola E. Olatunji, Jens Rauch, Matthias Katzensteiner, Megha Khosla

Mining health data can lead to faster medical decisions, improvement in the quality of treatment, disease prevention, reduced cost, and it drives innovative solutions within the healthcare sector.

Reconstruction Attack

Revisiting the Auction Algorithm for Weighted Bipartite Perfect Matchings

no code implementations18 Jan 2021 Megha Khosla, Avishek Anand

We study the classical weighted perfect matchings problem for bipartite graphs or sometimes referred to as the assignment problem, i. e., given a weighted bipartite graph $G = (U\cup V, E)$ with weights $w : E \rightarrow \mathcal{R}$ we are interested to find the maximum matching in $G$ with the minimum/maximum weight.

Data Structures and Algorithms Discrete Mathematics Combinatorics

Membership Inference Attack on Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation17 Jan 2021 Iyiola E. Olatunji, Wolfgang Nejdl, Megha Khosla

While choosing the simplest possible attack model that utilizes the posteriors of the trained model (black-box access), we thoroughly analyze the properties of GNNs and the datasets which dictate the differences in their robustness towards MI attack.

Graph Classification Inference Attack +3

Hard Masking for Explaining Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Thorben Funke, Megha Khosla, Avishek Anand

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are a flexible and powerful family of models that build nodes' representations on irregular graph-structured data.

Data Compression Decision Making +1

Graph-based State Representation for Deep Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation29 Apr 2020 Vikram Waradpande, Daniel Kudenko, Megha Khosla

Motivated by the recent success of node representations for several graph analytical tasks we specifically investigate the capability of node representation learning methods to effectively encode the topology of the underlying MDP in Deep RL.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

Valid Explanations for Learning to Rank Models

no code implementations29 Apr 2020 Jaspreet Singh, Zhenye Wang, Megha Khosla, Avishek Anand

In extensive quantitative experiments we show that our approach outperforms other model agnostic explanation approaches across pointwise, pairwise and listwise LTR models in validity while not compromising on completeness.

Learning-To-Rank valid

Boilerplate Removal using a Neural Sequence Labeling Model

1 code implementation22 Apr 2020 Jurek Leonhardt, Avishek Anand, Megha Khosla

The extraction of main content from web pages is an important task for numerous applications, ranging from usability aspects, like reader views for news articles in web browsers, to information retrieval or natural language processing.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Finding Interpretable Concept Spaces in Node Embeddings using Knowledge Bases

no code implementations11 Oct 2019 Maximilian Idahl, Megha Khosla, Avishek Anand

In this paper we propose and study the novel problem of explaining node embeddings by finding embedded human interpretable subspaces in already trained unsupervised node representation embeddings.

A Comparative Study for Unsupervised Network Representation Learning

no code implementations19 Mar 2019 Megha Khosla, Vinay Setty, Avishek Anand

However, there is no common ground for systematic comparison of embeddings to understand their behavior for different graphs and tasks.

Experimental Design Link Prediction +2

Asynchronous Training of Word Embeddings for Large Text Corpora

1 code implementation7 Dec 2018 Avishek Anand, Megha Khosla, Jaspreet Singh, Jan-Hendrik Zab, Zijian Zhang

In this paper, we propose a scalable approach to train word embeddings by partitioning the input space instead in order to scale to massive text corpora while not sacrificing the performance of the embeddings.

Information Retrieval Retrieval +1

Node Representation Learning for Directed Graphs

no code implementations22 Oct 2018 Megha Khosla, Jurek Leonhardt, Wolfgang Nejdl, Avishek Anand

We also unearth the limitations of evaluations on directed graphs in previous works and propose a clear strategy for evaluating link prediction and graph reconstruction in directed graphs.

General Classification Graph Reconstruction +4

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