Search Results for author: Mehrdad Moharrami

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Backward and Forward Inference in Interacting Independent-Cascade Processes: A Scalable and Convergent Message-Passing Approach

no code implementations29 Oct 2023 Nouman Khan, Kangle Mu, Mehrdad Moharrami, Vijay Subramanian

We study the problems of estimating the past and future evolutions of two diffusion processes that spread concurrently on a network.

On the Convergence of Modified Policy Iteration in Risk Sensitive Exponential Cost Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations8 Feb 2023 Yashaswini Murthy, Mehrdad Moharrami, R. Srikant

Since the exponential cost formulation deals with the multiplicative Bellman equation, our main contribution is a convergence proof which is quite different than existing results for discounted and risk-neutral average-cost problems as well as risk sensitive value and policy iteration approaches.

Computational Efficiency

Rarest-First with Probabilistic-Mode-Suppression

no code implementations1 Nov 2022 Nouman Khan, Mehrdad Moharrami, Vijay Subramanian

In this work, we propose a tunable piece-selection policy that minimizes this (undesirable) requisite by combining the (work-conserving but not stabilizing) rarest-first protocol with only an appropriate share of the (non-work conserving and stabilizing) mode-suppression protocol.

A Policy Gradient Algorithm for the Risk-Sensitive Exponential Cost MDP

no code implementations8 Feb 2022 Mehrdad Moharrami, Yashaswini Murthy, Arghyadip Roy, R. Srikant

We study the risk-sensitive exponential cost MDP formulation and develop a trajectory-based gradient algorithm to find the stationary point of the cost associated with a set of parameterized policies.

Learning a Discrete Set of Optimal Allocation Rules in a Queueing System with Unknown Service Rate

no code implementations4 Feb 2022 Saghar Adler, Mehrdad Moharrami, Vijay Subramanian

Our goal is to design a dispatching policy that maximizes the long-term average reward for the dispatcher based on observing only the arrival times and the state of the system at each arrival that reflects a realistic sampling of such systems.


The Planted Matching Problem: Phase Transitions and Exact Results

no code implementations18 Dec 2019 Mehrdad Moharrami, Cristopher Moore, Jiaming Xu

We study the problem of recovering a planted matching in randomly weighted complete bipartite graphs $K_{n, n}$.

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