no code implementations • 10 Jul 2024 • Krishnaram Kenthapadi, Mehrnoosh Sameki, Ankur Taly
With the ongoing rapid adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based systems in high-stakes domains, ensuring the trustworthiness, safety, and observability of these systems has become crucial.
no code implementations • 13 Mar 2020 • Andrea Zunino, Sarah Adel Bargal, Riccardo Volpi, Mehrnoosh Sameki, Jianming Zhang, Stan Sclaroff, Vittorio Murino, Kate Saenko
Explanations are defined as regions of visual evidence upon which a deep classification network makes a decision.
no code implementations • 11 Jan 2019 • Mehrnoosh Sameki, Sha Lai, Kate K. Mays, Lei Guo, Prakash Ishwar, Margrit Betke
We next train a machine learning system (BUOCA-ML) that predicts an optimal number of crowd workers needed to maximize the accuracy of the labeling.
no code implementations • 30 Apr 2017 • Danna Gurari, Kun He, Bo Xiong, Jianming Zhang, Mehrnoosh Sameki, Suyog Dutt Jain, Stan Sclaroff, Margrit Betke, Kristen Grauman
We propose the ambiguity problem for the foreground object segmentation task and motivate the importance of estimating and accounting for this ambiguity when designing vision systems.
no code implementations • 31 Aug 2016 • Mehrnoosh Sameki, Mattia Gentil, Kate K. Mays, Lei Guo, Margrit Betke
We explore two dynamic-allocation methods: (1) The number of workers queried to label a tweet is computed offline based on the predicted difficulty of discerning the sentiment of a particular tweet.
no code implementations • CVPR 2015 • Jianming Zhang, Shugao Ma, Mehrnoosh Sameki, Stan Sclaroff, Margrit Betke, Zhe Lin, Xiaohui Shen, Brian Price, Radomir Mech
We study the problem of Salient Object Subitizing, i. e. predicting the existence and the number of salient objects in an image using holistic cues.