Search Results for author: Meng Ding

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

Understanding Forgetting in Continual Learning with Linear Regression

no code implementations27 May 2024 Meng Ding, Kaiyi Ji, Di Wang, Jinhui Xu

In this paper, we provide a general theoretical analysis of forgetting in the linear regression model via Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) applicable to both underparameterized and overparameterized regimes.

Continual Learning regression

Improved Analysis of Sparse Linear Regression in Local Differential Privacy Model

no code implementations11 Oct 2023 Liyang Zhu, Meng Ding, Vaneet Aggarwal, Jinhui Xu, Di Wang

To address these issues, we first consider the problem in the $\epsilon$ non-interactive LDP model and provide a lower bound of $\Omega(\frac{\sqrt{dk\log d}}{\sqrt{n}\epsilon})$ on the $\ell_2$-norm estimation error for sub-Gaussian data, where $n$ is the sample size and $d$ is the dimension of the space.


On Stability and Generalization of Bilevel Optimization Problem

no code implementations3 Oct 2022 Meng Ding, Mingxi Lei, Yunwen Lei, Di Wang, Jinhui Xu

In this paper, we conduct a thorough analysis on the generalization of first-order (gradient-based) methods for the bilevel optimization problem.

Bilevel Optimization Meta-Learning

Fast and Structured Block-Term Tensor Decomposition For Hyperspectral Unmixing

no code implementations8 May 2022 Meng Ding, Xiao Fu, Xi-Le Zhao

However, existing LL1-based HU algorithms use a three-factor parameterization of the tensor (i. e., the hyperspectral image cube), which leads to a number of challenges including high per-iteration complexity, slow convergence, and difficulties in incorporating structural prior information.

Hyperspectral Unmixing Tensor Decomposition

Attention guided global enhancement and local refinement network for semantic segmentation

1 code implementation9 Apr 2022 Jiangyun Li, Sen Zha, Chen Chen, Meng Ding, Tianxiang Zhang, Hong Yu

First, commonly used upsampling methods in the decoder such as interpolation and deconvolution suffer from a local receptive field, unable to encode global contexts.

Decoder Semantic Segmentation

Category Guided Attention Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation in MRI

1 code implementation29 Mar 2022 Jiangyun Li, Hong Yu, Chen Chen, Meng Ding, Sen Zha

In this model, we design a Supervised Attention Module (SAM) based on the attention mechanism, which can capture more accurate and stable long-range dependency in feature maps without introducing much computational cost.

Brain Tumor Segmentation Segmentation +1

TransBTS: Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformer

2 code implementations7 Mar 2021 Wenxuan Wang, Chen Chen, Meng Ding, Jiangyun Li, Hong Yu, Sen Zha

To capture the local 3D context information, the encoder first utilizes 3D CNN to extract the volumetric spatial feature maps.

 Ranked #1 on Brain Tumor Segmentation on BRATS 2019 (Dice Score metric)

Brain Tumor Segmentation Decoder +4

Hyperspectral Super-Resolution via Interpretable Block-Term Tensor Modeling

no code implementations18 Jun 2020 Meng Ding, Xiao Fu, Ting-Zhu Huang, Jun Wang, Xi-Le Zhao

This work employs an idea that models spectral images as tensors following the block-term decomposition model with multilinear rank-$(L_r, L_r, 1)$ terms (i. e., the LL1 model) and formulates the HSR problem as a coupled LL1 tensor decomposition problem.

Super-Resolution Tensor Decomposition

Differentially-private Federated Neural Architecture Search

no code implementations16 Jun 2020 Ishika Singh, Haoyi Zhou, Kunlin Yang, Meng Ding, Bill Lin, Pengtao Xie

To address this problem, we propose federated neural architecture search (FNAS), where different parties collectively search for a differentiable architecture by exchanging gradients of architecture variables without exposing their data to other parties.

Neural Architecture Search

Tensor completion via nonconvex tensor ring rank minimization with guaranteed convergence

no code implementations14 May 2020 Meng Ding, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Tian-Hui Ma

Key words: nonconvex optimization, tensor ring rank, logdet function, tensor completion, alternating direction method of multipliers.

Tensor train rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor completion

no code implementations29 Apr 2020 Meng Ding, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Michael K. Ng, Tian-Hui Ma

The TT rank minimization accompany with \emph{ket augmentation}, which transforms a lower-order tensor (e. g., visual data) into a higher-order tensor, suffers from serious block-artifacts.

A generalized parametric 3D shape representation for articulated pose estimation

no code implementations5 Mar 2018 Meng Ding, Guoliang Fan

We present a novel parametric 3D shape representation, Generalized sum of Gaussians (G-SoG), which is particularly suitable for pose estimation of articulated objects.

3D Shape Representation Pose Estimation

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