Search Results for author: Meng Hu

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

PatentGPT: A Large Language Model for Intellectual Property

no code implementations28 Apr 2024 Zilong Bai, ruiji zhang, Linqing Chen, Qijun Cai, Yuan Zhong, Cong Wang, Yan Fang, Jie Fang, Jing Sun, Weikuan Wang, Lizhi Zhou, Haoran Hua, Tian Qiu, Chaochao Wang, Cheng Sun, Jianping Lu, Yixin Wang, Yubin Xia, Meng Hu, Haowen Liu, Peng Xu, Licong Xu, Fu Bian, Xiaolong Gu, Lisha Zhang, Weilei Wang, Changyang Tu

In recent years, large language models(LLMs) have attracted significant attention due to their exceptional performance across a multitude of natural language process tasks, and have been widely applied in various fields.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Leveraging GPT-4 for Food Effect Summarization to Enhance Product-Specific Guidance Development via Iterative Prompting

no code implementations28 Jun 2023 Yiwen Shi, Ping Ren, Jing Wang, Biao Han, Taha ValizadehAslani, Felix Agbavor, Yi Zhang, Meng Hu, Liang Zhao, Hualou Liang

Specifically, we propose a three-turn iterative prompting approach to food effect summarization in which the keyword-focused and length-controlled prompts are respectively provided in consecutive turns to refine the quality of the generated summary.

Text Summarization

Fine-Tuning BERT for Automatic ADME Semantic Labeling in FDA Drug Labeling to Enhance Product-Specific Guidance Assessment

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 Yiwen Shi, Jing Wang, Ping Ren, Taha ValizadehAslani, Yi Zhang, Meng Hu, Hualou Liang

Product-specific guidances (PSGs) recommended by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are instrumental to promote and guide generic drug product development.

Transfer Learning

Two-Stage Fine-Tuning: A Novel Strategy for Learning Class-Imbalanced Data

1 code implementation22 Jul 2022 Taha ValizadehAslani, Yiwen Shi, Jing Wang, Ping Ren, Yi Zhang, Meng Hu, Liang Zhao, Hualou Liang

Owing to this paucity of samples, learning on the tail classes is especially challenging for the fine-tuning when transferring a pretrained model to a downstream task.

text-classification Text Classification

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