Search Results for author: Meng Tian

Found 11 papers, 6 papers with code

Knowledge Augmented Relation Inference for Group Activity Recognition

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Xianglong Lang, Zhuming Wang, Zun Li, Meng Tian, Ge Shi, Lifang Wu, Liang Wang

Specifically, the framework consists of a Visual Representation Module to extract individual appearance features, a Knowledge Augmented Semantic Relation Module explore semantic representations of individual actions, and a Knowledge-Semantic-Visual Interaction Module aims to integrate visual and semantic information by the knowledge.

Group Activity Recognition Relation

Weakly Supervised Learning of Keypoints for 6D Object Pose Estimation

no code implementations7 Mar 2022 Meng Tian, Gim Hee Lee

Specifically, we assign a set of arbitrarily chosen 3D keypoints to represent each unknown target 3D object and learn a network to detect their 2D projections that comply with the relative camera viewpoints.

6D Pose Estimation using RGB Keypoint Detection +2

Blindly Assess Quality of In-the-Wild Videos via Quality-aware Pre-training and Motion Perception

2 code implementations19 Aug 2021 Bowen Li, Weixia Zhang, Meng Tian, Guangtao Zhai, Xianpei Wang

The inaccessibility of reference videos with pristine quality and the complexity of authentic distortions pose great challenges for this kind of blind video quality assessment (BVQA) task.

Action Recognition Image Quality Assessment +3

Shape Prior Deformation for Categorical 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation

2 code implementations ECCV 2020 Meng Tian, Marcelo H. Ang Jr, Gim Hee Lee

We present a novel learning approach to recover the 6D poses and sizes of unseen object instances from an RGB-D image.


Auto-Classification of Retinal Diseases in the Limit of Sparse Data Using a Two-Streams Machine Learning Model

1 code implementation16 Aug 2018 C. -H. Huck Yang, Fangyu Liu, Jia-Hong Huang, Meng Tian, Hiromasa Morikawa, I-Hung Lin, Yi-Chieh Liu, Hao-Hsiang Yang, Jesper Tegner

Automatic clinical diagnosis of retinal diseases has emerged as a promising approach to facilitate discovery in areas with limited access to specialists.

General Classification

Ambient Hidden Space of Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations2 Jul 2018 Xinhan Di, Pengqian Yu, Meng Tian

In this paper, we extend the ambient module to the hidden space of the generator, and provide the uniqueness condition and the corresponding strategy for the ambient hidden generator in the adversarial training process.

Towards Adversarial Training with Moderate Performance Improvement for Neural Network Classification

no code implementations1 Jul 2018 Xinhan Di, Pengqian Yu, Meng Tian

It has been demonstrated that deep neural networks are prone to noisy examples particular adversarial samples during inference process.

General Classification

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