Search Results for author: Meng-Lin Li

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Improving Axial Resolution of Optical Resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy with Advanced Frequency Domain Eigenspace Based Minimum Variance Beamforming Method

no code implementations18 Sep 2023 Yu-Hsiang Yu, Meng-Lin Li

Optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) leverages optical focusing and acoustic detection for microscopic optical absorption imaging.

Improved Ultrasound Attenuation Coefficient Estimation Using Spectral Normalization on Local Interference-Free Single-Scatterer Power Spectrum

no code implementations30 Aug 2023 Kun-Lin Liu, Yu-Heng Chen, Chiao-Yin Wang, Po-Hsiang Tsui, Meng-Lin Li

Ultrasound attenuation coefficient estimation (ACE) can be utilized to quantify liver fat content, offering significant diagnostic potential in addressing the growing global public health issue of non-alcoholic fatty liver and other chronic liver diseases.

Improved Row-Column-Addressed Array Imaging by Leveraging Ghost Echoes

no code implementations28 Aug 2023 Chung-Shiang Mei, Meng-Lin Li

Among various choices of 2-D ultrasound transducer arrays, the row-column-addressed (RCA) 2-D array has shown its promise for 3-D imaging.

Phase Aberration Correction with Adaptive Coherence-Weighted Point Spread Function Restoration Filtering Technique

no code implementations28 Aug 2023 Wei-Hsiang Shen, Yu-an Lin, Pai-Chi Li, Meng-Lin Li

Phase aberration is an inherent side effect of ultrasound imaging due to the speed of sound inhomogeneity nature of human tissues, resulting in focusing error and reduced image contrast.

Copy-Paste Image Augmentation with Poisson Image Editing for Ultrasound Instance Segmentation Learning

no code implementations28 Aug 2023 Wei-Hsiang Shen, Meng-Lin Li

Deep learning has shown great success in high-level image analysis problems; yet its efficacy relies on the quality and diversity of the training data.

Diversity Image Augmentation +2

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