no code implementations • 10 Jul 2024 • Shuyi Jin, Mengji Zhang, Meijie Wang, Lun Yu
In pharmaceutical research, the strategy of drug repurposing accelerates the development of new therapies while reducing R&D costs.
no code implementations • 21 May 2023 • Mengji Zhang, Yusuke Hiki, Akira Funahashi, Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
While visual and auditory information conveyed by wavelength of light and frequency of sound have been decoded, predicting olfactory information encoded by the combination of odorants remains challenging due to the unknown and potentially discontinuous perceptual space of smells and odorants.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Mengji Zhang, Yingce Xia, Nian Wu, Kun Qian, Jianyang Zeng
Manually interpreting the MS/MS spectrum into the molecules (i. e., the simplified molecular-input line-entry system, SMILES) is often costly and cumbersome, mainly due to the synthesis and labeling of isotopes and the requirement of expert knowledge.