Search Results for author: Mengke Zhang

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

LatticeGen: A Cooperative Framework which Hides Generated Text in a Lattice for Privacy-Aware Generation on Cloud

1 code implementation29 Sep 2023 Mengke Zhang, Tianxing He, Tianle Wang, Lu Mi, FatemehSadat Mireshghallah, Binyi Chen, Hao Wang, Yulia Tsvetkov

In the current user-server interaction paradigm of prompted generation with large language models (LLM) on cloud, the server fully controls the generation process, which leaves zero options for users who want to keep the generated text to themselves.

Improved particle-flow event reconstruction with scalable neural networks for current and future particle detectors

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Joosep Pata, Eric Wulff, Farouk Mokhtar, David Southwick, Mengke Zhang, Maria Girone, Javier Duarte

Efficient and accurate algorithms are necessary to reconstruct particles in the highly granular detectors anticipated at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider and the Future Circular Collider.

Graph Neural Network

Uncertainty-Guided Lung Nodule Segmentation with Feature-Aware Attention

2 code implementations24 Oct 2021 Han Yang, Lu Shen, Mengke Zhang, Qiuli Wang

With an Uncertainty-Aware Module, this network can provide a Multi-Confidence Mask (MCM), pointing out regions with different segmentation uncertainty levels.

Lung Nodule Segmentation Segmentation

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