Search Results for author: Mert Hidayetoğlu

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Hector: An Efficient Programming and Compilation Framework for Implementing Relational Graph Neural Networks in GPU Architectures

no code implementations16 Jan 2023 Kun Wu, Mert Hidayetoğlu, Xiang Song, Sitao Huang, Da Zheng, Israt Nisa, Wen-mei Hwu

Relational graph neural networks (RGNNs) are graph neural networks with dedicated structures for modeling the different types of nodes and edges in heterogeneous graphs.

8k C++ code +1

Graph Neural Network Training with Data Tiering

no code implementations10 Nov 2021 Seung Won Min, Kun Wu, Mert Hidayetoğlu, JinJun Xiong, Xiang Song, Wen-mei Hwu

With our data tiering method, we additionally provide a new data placement and access strategy to further minimize the CPU-GPU communication overhead.

Fraud Detection Graph Neural Network

Large Graph Convolutional Network Training with GPU-Oriented Data Communication Architecture

1 code implementation4 Mar 2021 Seung Won Min, Kun Wu, Sitao Huang, Mert Hidayetoğlu, JinJun Xiong, Eiman Ebrahimi, Deming Chen, Wen-mei Hwu

In this work, we propose a novel GPU-oriented data communication approach for GCN training, where GPU threads directly access sparse features in host memory through zero-copy accesses without much CPU help.

Recommendation Systems

PyTorch-Direct: Enabling GPU Centric Data Access for Very Large Graph Neural Network Training with Irregular Accesses

1 code implementation20 Jan 2021 Seung Won Min, Kun Wu, Sitao Huang, Mert Hidayetoğlu, JinJun Xiong, Eiman Ebrahimi, Deming Chen, Wen-mei Hwu

While this process accounts for a significant portion of the training time, we find existing GNN implementations using popular deep neural network (DNN) libraries such as PyTorch are limited to a CPU-centric approach for the entire data preparation step.

Graph Neural Network

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