Search Results for author: Mete Ozay

Found 62 papers, 18 papers with code

persoDA: Personalized Data Augmentation forPersonalized ASR

no code implementations15 Jan 2025 Pablo Peso Parada, Spyros Fontalis, Md Asif Jalal, Karthikeyan Saravanan, Anastasios Drosou, Mete Ozay, Gil Ho Lee, Jungin Lee, Seokyeong Jung

persoDA aims to augment training with data specifically tuned towards acoustic characteristics of the end-user, as opposed to standard augmentation based on Multi-Condition Training (MCT) that applies random reverberation and noises.

LoRA.rar: Learning to Merge LoRAs via Hypernetworks for Subject-Style Conditioned Image Generation

no code implementations6 Dec 2024 Donald Shenaj, Ondrej Bohdal, Mete Ozay, Pietro Zanuttigh, Umberto Michieli

Recent advancements in image generation models have enabled personalized image creation with both user-defined subjects (content) and styles.

Image Generation

DreamCache: Finetuning-Free Lightweight Personalized Image Generation via Feature Caching

no code implementations26 Nov 2024 Emanuele Aiello, Umberto Michieli, Diego Valsesia, Mete Ozay, Enrico Magli

Personalized image generation requires text-to-image generative models that capture the core features of a reference subject to allow for controlled generation across different contexts.

Image Generation Personalized Image Generation

Swiss DINO: Efficient and Versatile Vision Framework for On-device Personal Object Search

1 code implementation10 Jul 2024 Kirill Paramonov, Jia-Xing Zhong, Umberto Michieli, Jijoong Moon, Mete Ozay

In this paper, we address a recent trend in robotic home appliances to include vision systems on personal devices, capable of personalizing the appliances on the fly.

Few-Shot Learning Scene Understanding +1

Enhanced Model Robustness to Input Corruptions by Per-corruption Adaptation of Normalization Statistics

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Elena Camuffo, Umberto Michieli, Simone Milani, Jijoong Moon, Mete Ozay

In this paper, we introduce Per-corruption Adaptation of Normalization statistics (PAN) to enhance the model robustness of vision systems.

Data Augmentation Object Recognition +1

LoRA-Guard: Parameter-Efficient Guardrail Adaptation for Content Moderation of Large Language Models

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 Hayder Elesedy, Pedro M. Esperança, Silviu Vlad Oprea, Mete Ozay

Guardrails have emerged as an alternative to safety alignment for content moderation of large language models (LLMs).

Safety Alignment

Cross-Architecture Auxiliary Feature Space Translation for Efficient Few-Shot Personalized Object Detection

no code implementations1 Jul 2024 Francesco Barbato, Umberto Michieli, Jijoong Moon, Pietro Zanuttigh, Mete Ozay

We introduce a conditional coarse-to-fine few-shot learner to refine the coarse predictions made by an efficient object detector, showing that using an off-the-shelf model leads to poor personalization due to neural collapse.

object-detection Object Detection

Model Merging and Safety Alignment: One Bad Model Spoils the Bunch

no code implementations20 Jun 2024 Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Umberto Michieli, Fabio Pizzati, Philip Torr, Adel Bibi, Bernard Ghanem, Mete Ozay

Our experiments illustrate the effectiveness of integrating alignment-related data during merging, resulting in models that excel in both domain expertise and alignment.

Safety Alignment

Object-conditioned Bag of Instances for Few-Shot Personalized Instance Recognition

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Umberto Michieli, Jijoong Moon, Daehyun Kim, Mete Ozay

Nowadays, users demand for increased personalization of vision systems to localize and identify personal instances of objects (e. g., my dog rather than dog) from a few-shot dataset only.

Object object-detection +2

FFT-based Selection and Optimization of Statistics for Robust Recognition of Severely Corrupted Images

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Elena Camuffo, Umberto Michieli, Jijoong Moon, Daehyun Kim, Mete Ozay

Improving model robustness in case of corrupted images is among the key challenges to enable robust vision systems on smart devices, such as robotic agents.

Deep Neural Network Models Trained With A Fixed Random Classifier Transfer Better Across Domains

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 Hafiz Tiomoko Ali, Umberto Michieli, Ji Joong Moon, Daehyun Kim, Mete Ozay

Inspired by NC properties, we explore in this paper the transferability of DNN models trained with their last layer weight fixed according to ETF.

Fine-Grained Image Classification Transfer Learning

A Modular System for Enhanced Robustness of Multimedia Understanding Networks via Deep Parametric Estimation

1 code implementation28 Feb 2024 Francesco Barbato, Umberto Michieli, Mehmet Kerim Yucel, Pietro Zanuttigh, Mete Ozay

To this end, we design a small, modular, and efficient (just 2GFLOPs to process a Full HD image) system to enhance input data for robust downstream multimedia understanding with minimal computational cost.

Data Augmentation Domain Adaptation +2

HOP to the Next Tasks and Domains for Continual Learning in NLP

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 Umberto Michieli, Mete Ozay

Continual Learning (CL) aims to learn a sequence of problems (i. e., tasks and domains) by transferring knowledge acquired on previous problems, whilst avoiding forgetting of past ones.

Continual Learning

On-Device Speaker Anonymization of Acoustic Embeddings for ASR based onFlexible Location Gradient Reversal Layer

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Md Asif Jalal, Pablo Peso Parada, Jisi Zhang, Karthikeyan Saravanan, Mete Ozay, Myoungji Han, Jung In Lee, Seokyeong Jung

Our paper proposes a privacy-enhancing framework that targets speaker identity anonymization while preserving speech recognition accuracy for our downstream task~-~Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Online Continual Learning in Keyword Spotting for Low-Resource Devices via Pooling High-Order Temporal Statistics

1 code implementation24 Jul 2023 Umberto Michieli, Pablo Peso Parada, Mete Ozay

Keyword Spotting (KWS) models on embedded devices should adapt fast to new user-defined words without forgetting previous ones.

Continual Learning Keyword Spotting

A Model for Every User and Budget: Label-Free and Personalized Mixed-Precision Quantization

1 code implementation24 Jul 2023 Edward Fish, Umberto Michieli, Mete Ozay

Recent advancement in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has produced large AI models, which become impractical for deployment in mobile devices.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Online Continual Learning for Robust Indoor Object Recognition

no code implementations19 Jul 2023 Umberto Michieli, Mete Ozay

Vision systems mounted on home robots need to interact with unseen classes in changing environments.

Continual Learning Object +1

Conceptual and Hierarchical Latent Space Decomposition for Face Editing

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Savas Ozkan, Mete Ozay, Tom Robinson

For this purpose, a novel latent space decomposition pipeline is introduced using transformer networks and generative models.

Decoder Image Generation +1

Progressive Self-Distillation for Ground-to-Aerial Perception Knowledge Transfer

1 code implementation29 Aug 2022 Junjie Hu, Chenyou Fan, Mete Ozay, Hua Feng, Yuan Gao, Tin Lun Lam

In this paper, we introduce the ground-to-aerial perception knowledge transfer and propose a progressive semi-supervised learning framework that enables drone perception using only labeled data of ground viewpoint and unlabeled data of flying viewpoints.

Autonomous Driving Knowledge Distillation +1

Dense Depth Distillation with Out-of-Distribution Simulated Images

no code implementations26 Aug 2022 Junjie Hu, Chenyou Fan, Mete Ozay, Hualie Jiang, Tin Lun Lam

We study data-free knowledge distillation (KD) for monocular depth estimation (MDE), which learns a lightweight model for real-world depth perception tasks by compressing it from a trained teacher model while lacking training data in the target domain.

Data-free Knowledge Distillation Image Classification +1

pMCT: Patched Multi-Condition Training for Robust Speech Recognition

no code implementations11 Jul 2022 Pablo Peso Parada, Agnieszka Dobrowolska, Karthikeyan Saravanan, Mete Ozay

For analyses on robust ASR, we employed pMCT on the VOiCES dataset which is a noisy reverberant dataset created using utterances from LibriSpeech.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

Deep Depth Completion from Extremely Sparse Data: A Survey

no code implementations11 May 2022 Junjie Hu, Chenyu Bao, Mete Ozay, Chenyou Fan, Qing Gao, Honghai Liu, Tin Lun Lam

Depth completion aims at predicting dense pixel-wise depth from an extremely sparse map captured from a depth sensor, e. g., LiDARs.

3D Reconstruction Autonomous Driving +3

A Mixed Quantization Network for Computationally Efficient Mobile Inverse Tone Mapping

1 code implementation12 Mar 2022 Juan Borrego-Carazo, Mete Ozay, Frederik Laboyrie, Paul Wisbey

Recovering a high dynamic range (HDR) image from a single low dynamic range (LDR) image, namely inverse tone mapping (ITM), is challenging due to the lack of information in over- and under-exposed regions.

Quantization Tone Mapping

Adversarial Attacks and Defense Methods for Power Quality Recognition

1 code implementation11 Feb 2022 Jiwei Tian, Buhong Wang, Jing Li, Zhen Wang, Mete Ozay

To this end, we first propose a signal-specific method and a universal signal-agnostic method to attack power systems using generated adversarial examples.

Bring Evanescent Representations to Life in Lifelong Class Incremental Learning

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Marco Toldo, Mete Ozay

In Class Incremental Learning (CIL), a classification model is progressively trained at each incremental step on an evolving dataset of new classes, while at the same time, it is required to preserve knowledge of all the classes observed so far.

class-incremental learning Class Incremental Learning +1

Feature Kernel Distillation

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Bobby He, Mete Ozay

Trained Neural Networks (NNs) can be viewed as data-dependent kernel machines, with predictions determined by the inner product of last-layer representations across inputs, referred to as the feature kernel.

Image Classification Knowledge Distillation

Task Guided Compositional Representation Learning for ZDA

no code implementations13 Sep 2021 Shuang Liu, Mete Ozay

To this end, we propose a method for task-guided ZDA (TG-ZDA) which employs multi-branch deep neural networks to learn feature representations exploiting their domain invariance and shareability properties.

Domain Adaptation Image Classification +1

Prototype Guided Federated Learning of Visual Feature Representations

no code implementations19 May 2021 Umberto Michieli, Mete Ozay

Federated Learning (FL) is a framework which enables distributed model training using a large corpus of decentralized training data.

Federated Learning Image Classification +2

A New Neural Network Architecture Invariant to the Action of Symmetry Subgroups

1 code implementation11 Dec 2020 Piotr Kicki, Mete Ozay, Piotr Skrzypczyński

We propose a computationally efficient $G$-invariant neural network that approximates functions invariant to the action of a given permutation subgroup $G \leq S_n$ of the symmetric group on input data.

Learning from Experience for Rapid Generation of Local Car Maneuvers

1 code implementation7 Dec 2020 Piotr Kicki, Tomasz Gawron, Krzysztof Ćwian, Mete Ozay, Piotr Skrzypczyński

Being able to rapidly respond to the changing scenes and traffic situations by generating feasible local paths is of pivotal importance for car autonomy.

A Computationally Efficient Neural Network Invariant to the Action of Symmetry Subgroups

no code implementations18 Feb 2020 Piotr Kicki, Mete Ozay, Piotr Skrzypczyński

The key element of the proposed network architecture is a new $G$-invariant transformation module, which produces a $G$-invariant latent representation of the input data.

Efficient Neural Network

Fine-grained Optimization of Deep Neural Networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2019 Mete Ozay

In this work, we conjecture that if we can impose multiple constraints on weights of DNNs to upper bound the norms of the weights, and train the DNNs with these weights, then we can attain empirical generalization errors closer to the derived theoretical bounds, and improve accuracy of the DNNs.

Image Classification

Feature Quantization for Defending Against Distortion of Images

no code implementations CVPR 2018 Zhun Sun, Mete Ozay, Yan Zhang, Xing Liu, Takayuki Okatani

In this work, we address the problem of improving robustness of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to image distortion.


Revisiting Single Image Depth Estimation: Toward Higher Resolution Maps with Accurate Object Boundaries

4 code implementations23 Mar 2018 Junjie Hu, Mete Ozay, Yan Zhang, Takayuki Okatani

Experimental results show that these two improvements enable to attain higher accuracy than the current state-of-the-arts, which is given by finer resolution reconstruction, for example, with small objects and object boundaries.

Decoder Monocular Depth Estimation

Exploiting the Potential of Standard Convolutional Autoencoders for Image Restoration by Evolutionary Search

1 code implementation ICML 2018 Masanori Suganuma, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

Researchers have applied deep neural networks to image restoration tasks, in which they proposed various network architectures, loss functions, and training methods.

Image Restoration

Deep Structured Energy-Based Image Inpainting

1 code implementation24 Jan 2018 Fazil Altinel, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

In this paper, we propose a structured image inpainting method employing an energy based model.

Image Inpainting Structured Prediction

A vision based system for underwater docking

no code implementations12 Dec 2017 Shuang Liu, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani, Hongli Xu, Kai Sun, Yang Lin

In the experiments, we first evaluate performance of the proposed detection module on UDID and its deformed variations.

Pose Estimation Position

HyperNetworks with statistical filtering for defending adversarial examples

no code implementations6 Nov 2017 Zhun Sun, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

This problem was addressed by employing several defense methods for detection and rejection of particular types of attacks.

General Classification Image Classification

Improving Robustness of Feature Representations to Image Deformations using Powered Convolution in CNNs

no code implementations25 Jul 2017 Zhun Sun, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

In this work, we address the problem of improvement of robustness of feature representations learned using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to image deformation.

object-detection Object Detection +1

Linear Discriminant Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations25 Jul 2017 Zhun Sun, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

We develop a novel method for training of GANs for unsupervised and class conditional generation of images, called Linear Discriminant GAN (LD-GAN).

Information Potential Auto-Encoders

no code implementations14 Jun 2017 Yan Zhang, Mete Ozay, Zhun Sun, Takayuki Okatani

In order to estimate the entropy of the encoding variables and the mutual information, we propose a non-parametric method.

Representation Learning

Truncating Wide Networks using Binary Tree Architectures

1 code implementation ICCV 2017 Yan Zhang, Mete Ozay, Shuo-Hao Li, Takayuki Okatani

By employing the proposed architecture on a baseline wide network, we can construct and train a new network with same depth but considerably less number of parameters.

General Classification Image Classification

Optimization on Product Submanifolds of Convolution Kernels

no code implementations22 Jan 2017 Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

The results show that geometric adaptive step size computation methods of G-SGD can improve training loss and convergence properties of CNNs.

Optimization on Submanifolds of Convolution Kernels in CNNs

no code implementations22 Oct 2016 Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

Following our theoretical results, we propose a SGD algorithm with assurance of almost sure convergence of the methods to a solution at single minimum of classification loss of CNNs.

General Classification Image Classification

Encoding the Local Connectivity Patterns of fMRI for Cognitive State Classification

no code implementations17 Oct 2016 Itir Onal Ertugrul, Mete Ozay, Fatos T. Yarman Vural

In this work, we propose a novel framework to encode the local connectivity patterns of brain, using Fisher Vectors (FV), Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD) and Bag-of-Words (BoW) methods.

ARC Clustering +1

Hierarchical Multi-resolution Mesh Networks for Brain Decoding

no code implementations12 Jul 2016 Itir Onal Ertugrul, Mete Ozay, Fatos Tunay Yarman Vural

We propose a new framework, called Hierarchical Multi-resolution Mesh Networks (HMMNs), which establishes a set of brain networks at multiple time resolutions of fMRI signal to represent the underlying cognitive process.

ARC Brain Decoding +2

Modeling the Sequence of Brain Volumes by Local Mesh Models for Brain Decoding

no code implementations3 Mar 2016 Itir Onal, Mete Ozay, Eda Mizrak, Ilke Oztekin, Fatos T. Yarman Vural

The corresponding cognitive process, encoded in the brain, is then represented by these meshes each of which is estimated assuming a linear relationship among the voxel time series in a predefined locality.

Brain Decoding Object Recognition +3

Compositional Hierarchical Representation of Shape Manifolds for Classification of Non-Manifold Shapes

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Mete Ozay, Umit Rusen Aktas, Jeremy L. Wyatt, Ales Leonardis

We represent the topological relationship between shape components using graphs, which are aggregated to construct a hierarchical graph structure for the shape vocabulary.

General Classification

Design of Kernels in Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification

1 code implementation30 Nov 2015 Zhun Sun, Mete Ozay, Takayuki Okatani

Despite the effectiveness of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image classification, our understanding of the relationship between shape of convolution kernels and learned representations is limited.

Classification General Classification +1

Integrating Deep Features for Material Recognition

no code implementations20 Nov 2015 Yan Zhang, Mete Ozay, Xing Liu, Takayuki Okatani

We propose a method for integration of features extracted using deep representations of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) each of which is learned using a different image dataset of objects and materials for material recognition.

feature selection Material Recognition +1

Machine Learning Methods for Attack Detection in the Smart Grid

no code implementations22 Mar 2015 Mete Ozay, Inaki Esnaola, Fatos T. Yarman Vural, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor

The relationships between statistical and geometric properties of attack vectors employed in the attack scenarios and learning algorithms are analyzed to detect unobservable attacks using statistical learning methods.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

A Hierarchical Approach for Joint Multi-view Object Pose Estimation and Categorization

no code implementations4 Mar 2015 Mete Ozay, Krzysztof Walas, Ales Leonardis

We propose a joint object pose estimation and categorization approach which extracts information about object poses and categories from the object parts and compositions constructed at different layers of a hierarchical object representation algorithm, namely Learned Hierarchy of Parts (LHOP).

Distributed Optimization Object +2

Fusion of Image Segmentation Algorithms using Consensus Clustering

no code implementations18 Feb 2015 Mete Ozay, Fatos T. Yarman Vural, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor

A new segmentation fusion method is proposed that ensembles the output of several segmentation algorithms applied on a remotely sensed image.

Clustering Image Segmentation +3

Semi-supervised Segmentation Fusion of Multi-spectral and Aerial Images

no code implementations17 Feb 2015 Mete Ozay

A Semi-supervised Segmentation Fusion algorithm is proposed using consensus and distributed learning.


A Graph Theoretic Approach for Object Shape Representation in Compositional Hierarchies Using a Hybrid Generative-Descriptive Model

1 code implementation21 Jan 2015 Umit Rusen Aktas, Mete Ozay, Ales Leonardis, Jeremy L. Wyatt

A graph theoretic approach is proposed for object shape representation in a hierarchical compositional architecture called Compositional Hierarchy of Parts (CHOP).

Clustering Descriptive +1

Discriminative Functional Connectivity Measures for Brain Decoding

no code implementations23 Feb 2014 Orhan Firat, Mete Ozay, Ilke Oztekin, Fatos T. Yarman Vural

The proposed method was tested on a recognition memory experiment, including data pertaining to encoding and retrieval of words belonging to ten different semantic categories.

Brain Decoding Functional Connectivity +3

Mesh Learning for Classifying Cognitive Processes

no code implementations10 May 2012 Mete Ozay, Ilke Öztekin, Uygar Öztekin, Fatos T. Yarman Vural

The arc weights of each mesh are estimated from the voxel intensity values by least squares method.


A New Fuzzy Stacked Generalization Technique and Analysis of its Performance

1 code implementation1 Apr 2012 Mete Ozay, Fatos T. Yarman Vural

In this study, a new Stacked Generalization technique called Fuzzy Stacked Generalization (FSG) is proposed to minimize the difference between N -sample and large-sample classification error of the Nearest Neighbor classifier.

Attribute Ensemble Learning +1

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