Search Results for author: Miao Hu

Found 14 papers, 3 papers with code

BGTplanner: Maximizing Training Accuracy for Differentially Private Federated Recommenders via Strategic Privacy Budget Allocation

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Xianzhi Zhang, Yipeng Zhou, Miao Hu, Di wu, Pengshan Liao, Mohsen Guizani, Michael Sheng

To mitigate the rising concern about privacy leakage, the federated recommender (FR) paradigm emerges, in which decentralized clients co-train the recommendation model without exposing their raw user-item rating data.

Federated Continual Graph Learning

1 code implementation28 Nov 2024 Yinlin Zhu, Xunkai Li, Miao Hu, Di wu

To address these challenges, we present a pioneering study on Federated Continual Graph Learning (FCGL), which adapts GNNs to multiple evolving graphs within decentralized settings while adhering to storage and privacy constraints.

Continual Learning Graph Learning +1

FedTAD: Topology-aware Data-free Knowledge Distillation for Subgraph Federated Learning

no code implementations22 Apr 2024 Yinlin Zhu, Xunkai Li, Zhengyu Wu, Di wu, Miao Hu, Rong-Hua Li

Subgraph federated learning (subgraph-FL) is a new distributed paradigm that facilitates the collaborative training of graph neural networks (GNNs) by multi-client subgraphs.

Data-free Knowledge Distillation Federated Learning +1

FedDWA: Personalized Federated Learning with Dynamic Weight Adjustment

1 code implementation10 May 2023 Jiahao Liu, Jiang Wu, Jinyu Chen, Miao Hu, Yipeng Zhou, Di wu

In this paper, we propose a new PFL algorithm called \emph{FedDWA (Federated Learning with Dynamic Weight Adjustment)} to address the above problem, which leverages the parameter server (PS) to compute personalized aggregation weights based on collected models from clients.

Personalized Federated Learning

BARA: Efficient Incentive Mechanism with Online Reward Budget Allocation in Cross-Silo Federated Learning

no code implementations9 May 2023 Yunchao Yang, Yipeng Zhou, Miao Hu, Di wu, Quan Z. Sheng

The challenge of this problem lies in the opaque feedback between reward budget allocation and model utility improvement of FL, making the optimal reward budget allocation complicated.

Bayesian Optimization Federated Learning

Edge-Based Video Analytics: A Survey

no code implementations25 Mar 2023 Miao Hu, Zhenxiao Luo, Amirmohammad Pasdar, Young Choon Lee, Yipeng Zhou, Di wu

Edge computing has been getting a momentum with ever-increasing data at the edge of the network.

Cloud Computing Edge-computing +2

Virtual Reality: A Survey of Enabling Technologies and its Applications in IoT

no code implementations11 Mar 2021 Miao Hu, Xianzhuo Luo, Jiawen Chen, Young Choon Lee, Yipeng Zhou, Di wu

Virtual Reality (VR) has shown great potential to revolutionize the market by providing users immersive experiences with freedom of movement.

Networking and Internet Architecture

Mitigate Parasitic Resistance in Resistive Crossbar-based Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations17 Dec 2019 Fan Zhang, Miao Hu

We demonstrated the proposed methods with implementations of a 4-layer CNN on MNIST and ResNet(20, 32, and 56) on CIFAR-10.

Defects Mitigation in Resistive Crossbars for Analog Vector Matrix Multiplication

no code implementations17 Dec 2019 Fan Zhang, Miao Hu

With storage and computation happening at the same place, computing in resistive crossbars minimizes data movement and avoids the memory bottleneck issue.

Memristor-based Deep Convolution Neural Network: A Case Study

no code implementations14 Sep 2018 Fan Zhang, Miao Hu

In this paper, we firstly introduce a method to efficiently implement large-scale high-dimensional convolution with realistic memristor-based circuit components.

Long short-term memory networks in memristor crossbars

1 code implementation30 May 2018 Can Li, Zhongrui Wang, Mingyi Rao, Daniel Belkin, Wenhao Song, Hao Jiang, Peng Yan, Yunning Li, Peng Lin, Miao Hu, Ning Ge, John Paul Strachan, Mark Barnell, Qing Wu, R. Stanley Williams, J. Joshua Yang, Qiangfei Xia

Recent breakthroughs in recurrent deep neural networks with long short-term memory (LSTM) units has led to major advances in artificial intelligence.

Emerging Technologies Applied Physics

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