Search Results for author: Michael Beetz

Found 22 papers, 5 papers with code

Shadow Program Inversion with Differentiable Planning: A Framework for Unified Robot Program Parameter and Trajectory Optimization

1 code implementation13 Sep 2024 Benjamin Alt, Claudius Kienle, Darko Katic, Rainer Jäkel, Michael Beetz

This paper presents SPI-DP, a novel first-order optimizer capable of optimizing robot programs with respect to both high-level task objectives and motion-level constraints.

RoboGrind: Intuitive and Interactive Surface Treatment with Industrial Robots

no code implementations26 Feb 2024 Benjamin Alt, Florian Stöckl, Silvan Müller, Christopher Braun, Julian Raible, Saad Alhasan, Oliver Rettig, Lukas Ringle, Darko Katic, Rainer Jäkel, Michael Beetz, Marcus Strand, Marco F. Huber

Surface treatment tasks such as grinding, sanding or polishing are a vital step of the value chain in many industries, but are notoriously challenging to automate.

Industrial Robots

Translating Universal Scene Descriptions into Knowledge Graphs for Robotic Environment

no code implementations25 Oct 2023 Giang Hoang Nguyen, Daniel Bessler, Simon Stelter, Mihai Pomarlan, Michael Beetz

Robots performing human-scale manipulation tasks require an extensive amount of knowledge about their surroundings in order to perform their actions competently and human-like.

Knowledge Graphs

Integrating Transformations in Probabilistic Circuits

no code implementations6 Oct 2023 Tom Schierenbeck, Vladimir Vutov, Thorsten Dickhaus, Michael Beetz

This study addresses the predictive limitation of probabilistic circuits and introduces transformations as a remedy to overcome it.

Towards a Neuronally Consistent Ontology for Robotic Agents

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Florian Ahrens, Mihai Pomarlan, Daniel Beßler, Thorsten Fehr, Michael Beetz, Manfred Herrmann

It therefore employs a shared ontology to model the activity of both kinds of agents, empowering robots to learn from human experiences.


Knowledge-Driven Robot Program Synthesis from Human VR Demonstrations

2 code implementations5 Jun 2023 Benjamin Alt, Franklin Kenghagho Kenfack, Andrei Haidu, Darko Katic, Rainer Jäkel, Michael Beetz

Aging societies, labor shortages and increasing wage costs call for assistance robots capable of autonomously performing a wide array of real-world tasks.

Code Generation Common Sense Reasoning +1

From Interactive to Co-Constructive Task Learning

no code implementations24 May 2023 Anna-Lisa Vollmer, Daniel Leidner, Michael Beetz, Britta Wrede

Humans have developed the capability to teach relevant aspects of new or adapted tasks to a social peer with very few task demonstrations by making use of scaffolding strategies that leverage prior knowledge and importantly prior joint experience to yield a joint understanding and a joint execution of the required steps to solve the task.

Joint Probability Trees

no code implementations14 Feb 2023 Daniel Nyga, Mareike Picklum, Tom Schierenbeck, Michael Beetz

We introduce Joint Probability Trees (JPT), a novel approach that makes learning of and reasoning about joint probability distributions tractable for practical applications.

Heuristic-free Optimization of Force-Controlled Robot Search Strategies in Stochastic Environments

no code implementations15 Jul 2022 Benjamin Alt, Darko Katic, Rainer Jäkel, Michael Beetz

In both industrial and service domains, a central benefit of the use of robots is their ability to quickly and reliably execute repetitive tasks.

Industrial Robots

Empirical Estimates on Hand Manipulation are Recoverable: A Step Towards Individualized and Explainable Robotic Support in Everyday Activities

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Alexander Wich, Holger Schultheis, Michael Beetz

Specifically, we propose and explore the feasibility of structural causal models with non-parametric estimators to derive empirical estimates on hand behavior in the context of object manipulation in a virtual kitchen scenario.

Robot Program Parameter Inference via Differentiable Shadow Program Inversion

1 code implementation26 Mar 2021 Benjamin Alt, Darko Katic, Rainer Jäkel, Asil Kaan Bozcuoglu, Michael Beetz

To this end, we present Shadow Program Inversion (SPI), a novel approach to infer optimal skill parameters directly from data.

URoboSim -- An Episodic Simulation Framework for Prospective Reasoning in Robotic Agents

no code implementations8 Dec 2020 Michael Neumann, Sebastian Koralewski, Michael Beetz

We show the capabilities of URoboSim in form of mental simulations, generating data for machine learning and the usage as belief state for a real robot.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Automated acquisition of structured, semantic models of manipulation activities from human VR demonstration

2 code implementations27 Nov 2020 Andrei Haidu, Michael Beetz

In this paper we present a system capable of collecting and annotating, human performed, robot understandable, everyday activities from virtual environments.

RoboSherlock: Cognition-enabled Robot Perception for Everyday Manipulation Tasks

no code implementations22 Nov 2019 Ferenc Bálint-Benczédi, Jan-Hendrik Worch, Daniel Nyga, Nico Blodow, Patrick Mania, Zoltán-Csaba Márton, Michael Beetz

The application of the UIM principle supports the implementation of perception systems that can answer task-relevant queries about objects in a scene, boost object recognition performance by combining the strengths of multiple perception algorithms, support knowledge-enabled reasoning about objects and enable automatic and knowledge-driven generation of processing pipelines.


Amortized Object and Scene Perception for Long-term Robot Manipulation

no code implementations28 Mar 2019 Ferenc Balint-Benczedi, Michael Beetz

Mobile robots, performing long-term manipulation activities in human environments, have to perceive a wide variety of objects possessing very different visual characteristics and need to reliably keep track of these throughout the execution of a task.

Robot Manipulation

Reasoning about Unmodelled Concepts - Incorporating Class Taxonomies in Probabilistic Relational Models

no code implementations21 Apr 2015 Daniel Nyga, Michael Beetz

We show that by exploiting this structure, probability distributions can be represented more compactly and that the reasoning systems become capable of reasoning about concepts not contained in the probabilistic knowledge base.

Learning and Reasoning with Action-Related Places for Robust Mobile Manipulation

no code implementations18 Jan 2014 Freek Stulp, Andreas Fedrizzi, Lorenz Mösenlechner, Michael Beetz

We propose the concept of Action-Related Place (ARPlace) as a powerful and flexible representation of task-related place in the context of mobile manipulation.


Fast Point Feature Histograms (FPFH) for 3D Registration

1 code implementation12 May 2009 Radu Bogdan Rusu, Nico Blodow, Michael Beetz

In our recent work [1], [2], we proposed Point Feature Histograms (PFH) as robust multi-dimensional features which describe the local geometry around a point p for 3D point cloud datasets.

Point Cloud Registration

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