Search Results for author: Michael Fulton

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Robotic Detection of a Human-Comprehensible Gestural Language for Underwater Multi-Human-Robot Collaboration

no code implementations12 Jul 2022 Sadman Sakib Enan, Michael Fulton, Junaed Sattar

Our experimental evaluations, both in simulation and in closed-water robot trials, demonstrate that the proposed RRCommNet architecture is able to decipher gesture-based messages with an average accuracy of 88-94% on simulated data, 73-83% on real data (depending on the version of the model used).

An Analysis of Deep Object Detectors For Diver Detection

no code implementations25 Nov 2020 Karin de Langis, Michael Fulton, Junaed Sattar

We evaluate these networks on typical accuracy and efficiency metrics, as well as on the temporal stability of their detections.

object-detection Video Object Detection

TrashCan: A Semantically-Segmented Dataset towards Visual Detection of Marine Debris

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Jungseok Hong, Michael Fulton, Junaed Sattar

This paper presents TrashCan, a large dataset comprised of images of underwater trash collected from a variety of sources, annotated both using bounding boxes and segmentation labels, for development of robust detectors of marine debris.

Instance Segmentation Object +4

A Generative Approach Towards Improved Robotic Detection of Marine Litter

no code implementations10 Oct 2019 Jungseok Hong, Michael Fulton, Junaed Sattar

The proposed approach relies on a two-stage variational autoencoder (VAE) and a binary classifier to evaluate the generated imagery for quality and realism.


By Land, Air, or Sea: Multi-Domain Robot Communication Via Motion

4 code implementations7 Mar 2019 Michael Fulton, Mustaf Ahmed, Junaed Sattar

In this paper, we explore the use of motion for robot-to-human communication on three robotic platforms: the 5 degrees-of-freedom (DOF) Aqua autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), a 3-DOF camera gimbal mounted on a Matrice 100 drone, and a 3-DOF Turtlebot2 terrestrial robot.


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