Search Results for author: Michael Klingbeil

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

DRED: Deep REDundancy Coding of Speech Using a Rate-Distortion-Optimized Variational Autoencoder

no code implementations8 Dec 2022 Jean-Marc Valin, Jan Büthe, Ahmed Mustafa, Michael Klingbeil

Despite recent advancements in packet loss concealment (PLC) using deep learning techniques, packet loss remains a significant challenge in real-time speech communication.

Packet Loss Concealment

Real-Time Packet Loss Concealment With Mixed Generative and Predictive Model

1 code implementation11 May 2022 Jean-Marc Valin, Ahmed Mustafa, Christopher Montgomery, Timothy B. Terriberry, Michael Klingbeil, Paris Smaragdis, Arvindh Krishnaswamy

As deep speech enhancement algorithms have recently demonstrated capabilities greatly surpassing their traditional counterparts for suppressing noise, reverberation and echo, attention is turning to the problem of packet loss concealment (PLC).

Packet Loss Concealment Speech Synthesis

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