Search Results for author: Michael Psenka

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

Learning a Diffusion Model Policy from Rewards via Q-Score Matching

1 code implementation18 Dec 2023 Michael Psenka, Alejandro Escontrela, Pieter Abbeel, Yi Ma

However, previous works fail to exploit the score-based structure of diffusion models, and instead utilize a simple behavior cloning term to train the actor, limiting their ability in the actor-critic setting.

Denoising reinforcement-learning +1

Representation Learning via Manifold Flattening and Reconstruction

1 code implementation2 May 2023 Michael Psenka, Druv Pai, Vishal Raman, Shankar Sastry, Yi Ma

This work proposes an algorithm for explicitly constructing a pair of neural networks that linearize and reconstruct an embedded submanifold, from finite samples of this manifold.

Data Compression Representation Learning

Pursuit of a Discriminative Representation for Multiple Subspaces via Sequential Games

1 code implementation18 Jun 2022 Druv Pai, Michael Psenka, Chih-Yuan Chiu, Manxi Wu, Edgar Dobriban, Yi Ma

We consider the problem of learning discriminative representations for data in a high-dimensional space with distribution supported on or around multiple low-dimensional linear subspaces.

Representation Learning

Closed-Loop Data Transcription to an LDR via Minimaxing Rate Reduction

1 code implementation12 Nov 2021 Xili Dai, Shengbang Tong, Mingyang Li, Ziyang Wu, Michael Psenka, Kwan Ho Ryan Chan, Pengyuan Zhai, Yaodong Yu, Xiaojun Yuan, Heung Yeung Shum, Yi Ma

In particular, we propose to learn a closed-loop transcription between a multi-class multi-dimensional data distribution and a linear discriminative representation (LDR) in the feature space that consists of multiple independent multi-dimensional linear subspaces.


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