Search Results for author: Michael T. Schaub

Found 41 papers, 15 papers with code

Improving the Noise Estimation of Latent Neural Stochastic Differential Equations

no code implementations23 Dec 2024 Linus Heck, Maximilian Gelbrecht, Michael T. Schaub, Niklas Boers

Latent neural stochastic differential equations (SDEs) have recently emerged as a promising approach for learning generative models from stochastic time series data.

Noise Estimation Time Series

Topological Trajectory Classification and Landmark Inference on Simplicial Complexes

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Vincent P. Grande, Josef Hoppe, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub

Specifically, given a set of labelled trajectories, which we interpret as edge-flows on the underlying simplicial complex, we search for 2-simplices whose deletion results in an optimal separation of the trajectory labels according to the corresponding spectral embedding of the trajectories into the harmonic space.

Residual Connections and Normalization Can Provably Prevent Oversmoothing in GNNs

no code implementations5 Jun 2024 Michael Scholkemper, Xinyi Wu, Ali Jadbabaie, Michael T. Schaub

This results in the convergence of node representations to the top-$k$ eigenspace of the message-passing operator; (c) moreover, we show that the centering step of a normalization layer -- which can be understood as a projection -- alters the graph signal in message-passing in such a way that relevant information can become harder to extract.

Graph Neural Networks Do Not Always Oversmooth

1 code implementation4 Jun 2024 Bastian Epping, Alexandre René, Moritz Helias, Michael T. Schaub

By generalizing methods from conventional deep neural networks (DNNs), we can describe the distribution of features at the output layer of deep GCNs in terms of a GP: as expected, we find that typical parameter choices from the literature lead to oversmoothing.

Node-Level Topological Representation Learning on Point Clouds

1 code implementation4 Jun 2024 Vincent P. Grande, Michael T. Schaub

Topological Data Analysis (TDA) allows us to extract powerful topological and higher-order information on the global shape of a data set or point cloud.

Representation Learning Topological Data Analysis

Learning From Simplicial Data Based on Random Walks and 1D Convolutions

1 code implementation4 Apr 2024 Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub

Triggered by limitations of graph-based deep learning methods in terms of computational expressivity and model flexibility, recent years have seen a surge of interest in computational models that operate on higher-order topological domains such as hypergraphs and simplicial complexes.

Combinatorial Complexes: Bridging the Gap Between Cell Complexes and Hypergraphs

no code implementations15 Dec 2023 Mustafa Hajij, Ghada Zamzmi, Theodore Papamarkou, Aldo Guzmán-Sáenz, Tolga Birdal, Michael T. Schaub

In this context, cell complexes are often seen as a subclass of hypergraphs with additional algebraic structure that can be exploited, e. g., to develop a spectral theory.

Disentangling the Spectral Properties of the Hodge Laplacian: Not All Small Eigenvalues Are Equal

no code implementations24 Nov 2023 Vincent P. Grande, Michael T. Schaub

The rich spectral information of the graph Laplacian has been instrumental in graph theory, machine learning, and graph signal processing for applications such as graph classification, clustering, or eigenmode analysis.

Clustering Graph Classification

Non-isotropic Persistent Homology: Leveraging the Metric Dependency of PH

no code implementations25 Oct 2023 Vincent P. Grande, Michael T. Schaub

Persistent Homology is a widely used topological data analysis tool that creates a concise description of the topological properties of a point cloud based on a specified filtration.

Topological Data Analysis

Optimal transport distances for directed, weighted graphs: a case study with cell-cell communication networks

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 James S. Nagai, Ivan G. Costa, Michael T. Schaub

Comparing graphs by means of optimal transport has recently gained significant attention, as the distances induced by optimal transport provide both a principled metric between graphs as well as an interpretable description of the associated changes between graphs in terms of a transport plan.

Representing Edge Flows on Graphs via Sparse Cell Complexes

2 code implementations4 Sep 2023 Josef Hoppe, Michael T. Schaub

In this paper, we generalize this approach to cellular complexes and introduce the flow representation learning problem, i. e., the problem of augmenting the observed graph by a set of cells, such that the eigenvectors of the associated Hodge Laplacian provide a sparse, interpretable representation of the observed edge flows on the graph.

Inference Optimization Representation Learning

On Performance Discrepancies Across Local Homophily Levels in Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations8 Jun 2023 Donald Loveland, Jiong Zhu, Mark Heimann, Benjamin Fish, Michael T. Schaub, Danai Koutra

We ground the practical implications of this work through granular analysis on five real-world datasets with varying global homophily levels, demonstrating that (a) GNNs can fail to generalize to test nodes that deviate from the global homophily of a graph, and (b) high local homophily does not necessarily confer high performance for a node.

Graph Neural Network Node Classification

Learning the effective order of a hypergraph dynamical system

no code implementations2 Jun 2023 Leonie Neuhäuser, Michael Scholkemper, Francesco Tudisco, Michael T. Schaub

Dynamical systems on hypergraphs can display a rich set of behaviours not observable for systems with pairwise interactions.

Topological Point Cloud Clustering

no code implementations29 Mar 2023 Vincent P. Grande, Michael T. Schaub

TPCC synthesizes desirable features from spectral clustering and topological data analysis and is based on considering the spectral properties of a simplicial complex associated to the considered point cloud.

Clustering Topological Data Analysis

Signal Processing on Product Spaces

no code implementations18 Mar 2023 T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Vincent P. Grande, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra

We establish a framework for signal processing on product spaces of simplicial and cellular complexes.

Dirac signal processing of higher-order topological signals

no code implementations12 Jan 2023 Lucille Calmon, Michael T. Schaub, Ginestra Bianconi

We discuss in detail the properties of the Dirac operator including its spectrum and the chirality of its eigenvectors and we adopt this operator to formulate Dirac signal processing that can filter noisy signals defined on nodes, links and triangles of simplicial complexes.

On Graph Neural Network Fairness in the Presence of Heterophilous Neighborhoods

no code implementations10 Jul 2022 Donald Loveland, Jiong Zhu, Mark Heimann, Ben Fish, Michael T. Schaub, Danai Koutra

We study the task of node classification for graph neural networks (GNNs) and establish a connection between group fairness, as measured by statistical parity and equal opportunity, and local assortativity, i. e., the tendency of linked nodes to have similar attributes.

Attribute Fairness +2

Topological Deep Learning: Going Beyond Graph Data

4 code implementations1 Jun 2022 Mustafa Hajij, Ghada Zamzmi, Theodore Papamarkou, Nina Miolane, Aldo Guzmán-Sáenz, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Tolga Birdal, Tamal K. Dey, Soham Mukherjee, Shreyas N. Samaga, Neal Livesay, Robin Walters, Paul Rosen, Michael T. Schaub

Topological deep learning is a rapidly growing field that pertains to the development of deep learning models for data supported on topological domains such as simplicial complexes, cell complexes, and hypergraphs, which generalize many domains encountered in scientific computations.

Deep Learning Graph Learning

Simplicial Convolutional Filters

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Maosheng Yang, Elvin Isufi, Michael T. Schaub, Geert Leus

We study linear filters for processing signals supported on abstract topological spaces modeled as simplicial complexes, which may be interpreted as generalizations of graphs that account for nodes, edges, triangular faces etc.

Outlier Detection for Trajectories via Flow-embeddings

1 code implementation25 Nov 2021 Florian Frantzen, Jean-Baptiste Seby, Michael T. Schaub

Here we consider trajectories as edge-flow vectors defined on a simplicial complex, a higher-order generalization of graphs, and use the Hodge 1-Laplacian of the simplicial complex to derive embeddings of these edge-flows.

Outlier Detection

Signal Processing on Cell Complexes

no code implementations11 Oct 2021 T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Michael T. Schaub, Mustafa Hajij

The processing of signals supported on non-Euclidean domains has attracted large interest recently.

Hodgelets: Localized Spectral Representations of Flows on Simplicial Complexes

no code implementations17 Sep 2021 T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Florian Frantzen, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra

We first show that the Hodge Laplacian can be used in lieu of the graph Laplacian to construct a family of wavelets for higher-order signals on simplicial complexes.

How does Heterophily Impact the Robustness of Graph Neural Networks? Theoretical Connections and Practical Implications

1 code implementation14 Jun 2021 Jiong Zhu, Junchen Jin, Donald Loveland, Michael T. Schaub, Danai Koutra

We bridge two research directions on graph neural networks (GNNs), by formalizing the relation between heterophily of node labels (i. e., connected nodes tend to have dissimilar labels) and the robustness of GNNs to adversarial attacks.

Signal processing on simplicial complexes

no code implementations14 Jun 2021 Michael T. Schaub, Jean-Baptiste Seby, Florian Frantzen, T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Yu Zhu, Santiago Segarra

Higher-order networks have so far been considered primarily in the context of studying the structure of complex systems, i. e., the higher-order or multi-way relations connecting the constituent entities.

Denoising Time Series +1

Local, global and scale-dependent node roles

1 code implementation26 May 2021 Michael Scholkemper, Michael T. Schaub

This paper re-examines the concept of node equivalences like structural equivalence or automorphic equivalence, which have originally emerged in social network analysis to characterize the role an actor plays within a social system, but have since then been of independent interest for graph-based learning tasks.

Graph Learning Graph Neural Network +1

Finite Impulse Response Filters for Simplicial Complexes

no code implementations23 Mar 2021 Maosheng Yang, Elvin Isufi, Michael T. Schaub, Geert Leus

In this paper, we study linear filters to process signals defined on simplicial complexes, i. e., signals defined on nodes, edges, triangles, etc.


Signal Processing on Higher-Order Networks: Livin' on the Edge ... and Beyond

no code implementations14 Jan 2021 Michael T. Schaub, Yu Zhu, Jean-Baptiste Seby, T. Mitchell Roddenberry, Santiago Segarra

In the context of simplicial complexes, we specifically focus on signal processing using the Hodge Laplacian matrix, a multi-relational operator that leverages the special structure of simplicial complexes and generalizes desirable properties of the Laplacian matrix in graph signal processing.


Modularity maximisation for graphons

1 code implementation2 Jan 2021 Florian Klimm, Nick S. Jones, Michael T. Schaub

The detection of communities or other meso-scale structures is a prominent topic in network science as it allows the identification of functional building blocks in complex systems.

Community Detection Open-Ended Question Answering +1

Detectability of hierarchical communities in networks

no code implementations16 Sep 2020 Leto Peel, Michael T. Schaub

We study the problem of recovering a planted hierarchy of partitions in a network.

Hierarchical community structure in networks

1 code implementation15 Sep 2020 Michael T. Schaub, Jiaze Li, Leto Peel

A great deal of effort has gone into trying to detect and study these structures.

Community Detection Stochastic Block Model

Blind identification of stochastic block models from dynamical observations

no code implementations22 May 2019 Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra, John N. Tsitsiklis

We consider a blind identification problem in which we aim to recover a statistical model of a network without knowledge of the network's edges, but based solely on nodal observations of a certain process.

Stochastic Block Model

Graph-based Semi-Supervised & Active Learning for Edge Flows

1 code implementation17 May 2019 Junteng Jia, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra, Austin R. Benson

The first strategy selects edges to minimize the reconstruction error bound and works well on flows that are approximately divergence-free.

Active Learning

Spectral partitioning of time-varying networks with unobserved edges

no code implementations26 Apr 2019 Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra, Hoi-To Wai

We discuss a variant of `blind' community detection, in which we aim to partition an unobserved network from the observation of a (dynamical) graph signal defined on the network.

Community Detection

Random Walks on Simplicial Complexes and the normalized Hodge Laplacian

1 code implementation13 Jul 2018 Michael T. Schaub, Austin R. Benson, Paul Horn, Gabor Lippner, Ali Jadbabaie

Simplicial complexes, a mathematical object common in topological data analysis, have emerged as a model for multi-nodal interactions that occur in several complex systems; for example, biological interactions occur between a set of molecules rather than just two, and communication systems can have group messages and not just person-to-person messages.

Social and Information Networks Discrete Mathematics Algebraic Topology Physics and Society

Multiscale dynamical embeddings of complex networks

2 code implementations10 Apr 2018 Michael T. Schaub, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Renaud Lambiotte, Mauricio Barahona

Complex systems and relational data are often abstracted as dynamical processes on networks.

Social and Information Networks Systems and Control Physics and Society

Simplicial Closure and higher-order link prediction

2 code implementations20 Feb 2018 Austin R. Benson, Rediet Abebe, Michael T. Schaub, Ali Jadbabaie, Jon Kleinberg

Networks provide a powerful formalism for modeling complex systems by using a model of pairwise interactions.

Link Prediction

Centrality measures for graphons: Accounting for uncertainty in networks

no code implementations28 Jul 2017 Marco Avella-Medina, Francesca Parise, Michael T. Schaub, Santiago Segarra

Using the theory of linear integral operators, we define degree, eigenvector, Katz and PageRank centrality functions for graphons and establish concentration inequalities demonstrating that graphon centrality functions arise naturally as limits of their counterparts defined on sequences of graphs of increasing size.

Random Multi-Hopper Model. Super-Fast Random Walks on Graphs

no code implementations24 Dec 2016 Ernesto Estrada, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Naomichi Hatano, José L. Mateos, Ralf Metzler, Alejandro P. Riascos, Michael T. Schaub

Stated differently, for small parameter values the multi-hopper explores a general graph as fast as possible when compared to a random walker on a full graph.

Physics and Society Statistical Mechanics Social and Information Networks Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics Probability

The many facets of community detection in complex networks

no code implementations23 Nov 2016 Michael T. Schaub, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Martin Rosvall, Renaud Lambiotte

Community detection, the decomposition of a graph into essential building blocks, has been a core research topic in network science over the past years.

Social and Information Networks Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability Physics and Society

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