Search Results for author: Michael Thielscher

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Hierarchically Gated Experts for Efficient Online Continual Learning

no code implementations22 Dec 2024 Kevin Luong, Michael Thielscher

Continual Learning models aim to learn a set of tasks under the constraint that the tasks arrive sequentially with no way to access data from previous tasks.

Continual Learning

Online Learning and Planning in Cognitive Hierarchies

no code implementations18 Oct 2023 Bernhard Hengst, Maurice Pagnucco, David Rajaratnam, Claude Sammut, Michael Thielscher

Complex robot behaviour typically requires the integration of multiple robotic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and components.

On Optimal Strategies for Wordle and General Guessing Games

1 code implementation16 May 2023 Michael Cunanan, Michael Thielscher

The recent popularity of Wordle has revived interest in guessing games.

Perceptual Context in Cognitive Hierarchies

no code implementations7 Jan 2018 Bernhard Hengst, Maurice Pagnucco, David Rajaratnam, Claude Sammut, Michael Thielscher

Cognition does not only depend on bottom-up sensor feature abstraction, but also relies on contextual information being passed top-down.

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