Search Results for author: Michele Faucci Giannelli

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Supervised machine learning techniques for data matching based on similarity metrics

no code implementations8 Jul 2020 Pim Verschuuren, Serena Palazzo, Tom Powell, Steve Sutton, Alfred Pilgrim, Michele Faucci Giannelli

A dataset of invoices from a variety of businesses and organizations was preprocessed with a grouping scheme to reduce pair dimensionality and a set of similarity functions was used to quantify similarity between invoice pairs.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

DijetGAN: A Generative-Adversarial Network Approach for the Simulation of QCD Dijet Events at the LHC

1 code implementation6 Mar 2019 Riccardo Di Sipio, Michele Faucci Giannelli, Sana Ketabchi Haghighat, Serena Palazzo

A Generative-Adversarial Network (GAN) based on convolutional neural networks is used to simulate the production of pairs of jets at the LHC.

High Energy Physics - Experiment High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

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