Search Results for author: Michelle R. Greene

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Digital Divides in Scene Recognition: Uncovering Socioeconomic Biases in Deep Learning Systems

no code implementations23 Jan 2024 Michelle R. Greene, Mariam Josyula, Wentao Si, Jennifer A. Hart

By mitigating the bias in the computer vision pipelines, we can ensure fairer and more equitable outcomes for applied computer vision, including home valuation and smart home security systems.

Scene Classification Scene Recognition +1

Visual Noise from Natural Scene Statistics Reveals Human Scene Category Representations

no code implementations19 Nov 2014 Michelle R. Greene, Abraham P. Botros, Diane M. Beck, Li Fei-Fei

In this work, we visualize observers' internal representations of a visual scene category (street) using an experiment in which the observer views the naturalistic visual noise and collaborates with the algorithm to externalize his internal representation.

Affordances Provide a Fundamental Categorization Principle for Visual Scenes

no code implementations19 Nov 2014 Michelle R. Greene, Christopher Baldassano, Andre Esteva, Diane M. Beck, Li Fei-Fei

Traditional models of visual perception posit that scene categorization is achieved through the recognition of a scene's objects, yet these models cannot account for the mounting evidence that human observers are relatively insensitive to the local details in an image.

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