Search Results for author: Milad Moradi

Found 21 papers, 9 papers with code

Artificial intelligence for context-aware visual change detection in software test automation

no code implementations1 May 2024 Milad Moradi, Ke Yan, David Colwell, Rhona Asgari

Leveraging a machine learning model, our method accurately identifies UI controls from software screenshots and constructs a graph representing contextual and spatial relationships between the controls.

Change Detection software testing

Exploring the landscape of large language models: Foundations, techniques, and challenges

no code implementations18 Apr 2024 Milad Moradi, Ke Yan, David Colwell, Matthias Samwald, Rhona Asgari

In this review paper, we delve into the realm of Large Language Models (LLMs), covering their foundational principles, diverse applications, and nuanced training processes.

In-Context Learning Retrieval

Model-agnostic explainable artificial intelligence for object detection in image data

1 code implementation30 Mar 2023 Milad Moradi, Ke Yan, David Colwell, Matthias Samwald, Rhona Asgari

In this paper, we design and implement a black-box explanation method named Black-box Object Detection Explanation by Masking (BODEM) through adopting a hierarchical random masking approach for object detection systems.

Data Augmentation Explainable artificial intelligence +3

A global analysis of metrics used for measuring performance in natural language processing

1 code implementation nlppower (ACL) 2022 Kathrin Blagec, Georg Dorffner, Milad Moradi, Simon Ott, Matthias Samwald

Our results suggest that the large majority of natural language processing metrics currently used have properties that may result in an inadequate reflection of a models' performance.

Benchmarking Machine Translation

Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the Biomedical Domain

no code implementations25 Feb 2022 Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

In this article, we first give an introduction to artificial intelligence and its applications in biology and medicine in Section 1.

Explainable artificial intelligence

Improving the robustness and accuracy of biomedical language models through adversarial training

1 code implementation16 Nov 2021 Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

Experimental results showed that the biomedical NLP models are sensitive to adversarial samples; their performance dropped in average by 21 and 18. 9 absolute percent on character-level and word-level adversarial noise, respectively.

Adversarial Attack

GPT-3 Models are Poor Few-Shot Learners in the Biomedical Domain

1 code implementation6 Sep 2021 Milad Moradi, Kathrin Blagec, Florian Haberl, Matthias Samwald

However, in-domain pretraining seems not to be sufficient; novel pretraining and few-shot learning strategies are required in the biomedical NLP domain.

Few-Shot Learning Language Modelling +1

Deep learning models are not robust against noise in clinical text

1 code implementation27 Aug 2021 Milad Moradi, Kathrin Blagec, Matthias Samwald

The proposed perturbation methods can be used in performance evaluation tests to assess how robustly clinical NLP models can operate on noisy data, in real-world settings.

Evaluating the Robustness of Neural Language Models to Input Perturbations

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

High-performance neural language models have obtained state-of-the-art results on a wide range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.

Hybrid deep learning methods for phenotype prediction from clinical notes

no code implementations16 Aug 2021 Sahar Khalafi, Nasser Ghadiri, Milad Moradi

We also showed that BiGRU layer with FastText embedding had better performance than BiLSTM layer to identify patient phenotypes.

Deep Learning Management +2

Explaining Black-box Models for Biomedical Text Classification

1 code implementation20 Dec 2020 Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

Confident itemsets discover how biomedical concepts are related to class labels in the black-box's decision space.

General Classification text-classification +1

Explaining black-box text classifiers for disease-treatment information extraction

no code implementations21 Oct 2020 Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

In this paper, we introduce a post-hoc explanation method that utilizes confident itemsets to approximate the behavior of black-box classifiers for medical information extraction.

A critical analysis of metrics used for measuring progress in artificial intelligence

no code implementations6 Aug 2020 Kathrin Blagec, Georg Dorffner, Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

Our results suggest that the large majority of metrics currently used have properties that may result in an inadequate reflection of a models' performance.


Text Summarization in the Biomedical Domain

no code implementations6 Aug 2019 Milad Moradi, Nasser Ghadiri

The primary purpose of this chapter is to review the most significant research efforts made in the current decade toward new methods of biomedical text summarization.

Text Summarization

Clustering of Deep Contextualized Representations for Summarization of Biomedical Texts

1 code implementation6 Aug 2019 Milad Moradi, Matthias Samwald

In recent years, summarizers that incorporate domain knowledge into the process of text summarization have outperformed generic methods, especially for summarization of biomedical texts.

Clustering Language Modeling +2

Small-world networks for summarization of biomedical articles

no code implementations7 Mar 2019 Milad Moradi

We show that how a summarizer can discover meaningful concepts within a biomedical text document using the Helmholtz principle.

Informativeness Sentence +1

A centralized reinforcement learning method for multi-agent job scheduling in Grid

no code implementations11 Sep 2016 Milad Moradi

In this method, there are a learner agent and several scheduler agents that perform the task of learning and job scheduling with the use of a coordination strategy that maintains the communication cost at a limited level.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +2

Different approaches for identifying important concepts in probabilistic biomedical text summarization

no code implementations10 May 2016 Milad Moradi, Nasser Ghadiri

Moreover, the results suggest that using the meaningfulness measure and considering the correlations of concepts in the feature selection step lead to a significant increase in the performance of summarization.

feature selection Sentence +1

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