Search Results for author: Milind Agarwal

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

Script-Agnostic Language Identification

1 code implementation25 Jun 2024 Milind Agarwal, Joshua Otten, Antonios Anastasopoulos

Language identification is used as the first step in many data collection and crawling efforts because it allows us to sort online text into language-specific buckets.

Language Identification

LIMIT: Language Identification, Misidentification, and Translation using Hierarchical Models in 350+ Languages

1 code implementation23 May 2023 Milind Agarwal, Md Mahfuz ibn Alam, Antonios Anastasopoulos

Second, we propose a novel misprediction-resolution hierarchical model, LIMIt, for language identification that reduces error by 55% (from 0. 71 to 0. 32) on our compiled children's stories dataset and by 40% (from 0. 23 to 0. 14) on the FLORES-200 benchmark.

Language Identification Translation

PALI: A Language Identification Benchmark for Perso-Arabic Scripts

1 code implementation3 Apr 2023 Sina Ahmadi, Milind Agarwal, Antonios Anastasopoulos

The Perso-Arabic scripts are a family of scripts that are widely adopted and used by various linguistic communities around the globe.

Language Identification

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