Search Results for author: Milos Hasan

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Buffer Anytime: Zero-Shot Video Depth and Normal from Image Priors

no code implementations26 Nov 2024 Zhengfei Kuang, Tianyuan Zhang, Kai Zhang, Hao Tan, Sai Bi, Yiwei Hu, Zexiang Xu, Milos Hasan, Gordon Wetzstein, Fujun Luan

We present Buffer Anytime, a framework for estimation of depth and normal maps (which we call geometric buffers) from video that eliminates the need for paired video--depth and video--normal training data.

Optical Flow Estimation

RelitLRM: Generative Relightable Radiance for Large Reconstruction Models

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Tianyuan Zhang, Zhengfei Kuang, Haian Jin, Zexiang Xu, Sai Bi, Hao Tan, He Zhang, Yiwei Hu, Milos Hasan, William T. Freeman, Kai Zhang, Fujun Luan

We propose RelitLRM, a Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) for generating high-quality Gaussian splatting representations of 3D objects under novel illuminations from sparse (4-8) posed images captured under unknown static lighting.

Inverse Rendering

OpenRooms: An Open Framework for Photorealistic Indoor Scene Datasets

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Zhengqin Li, Ting-Wei Yu, Shen Sang, Sarah Wang, Meng Song, YuHan Liu, Yu-Ying Yeh, Rui Zhu, Nitesh Gundavarapu, Jia Shi, Sai Bi, Hong-Xing Yu, Zexiang Xu, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Milos Hasan, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Manmohan Chandraker

Finally, we demonstrate that our framework may also be integrated with physics engines, to create virtual robotics environments with unique ground truth such as friction coefficients and correspondence to real scenes.

Friction Inverse Rendering +1

A Bayesian Inference Framework for Procedural Material Parameter Estimation

no code implementations2 Dec 2019 Yu Guo, Milos Hasan, Lingqi Yan, Shuang Zhao

Procedural material models have been gaining traction in many applications thanks to their flexibility, compactness, and easy editability.

Bayesian Inference Inverse Rendering

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