Search Results for author: Ming Feng

Found 11 papers, 1 papers with code

Weakly Supervised YOLO Network for Surgical Instrument Localization in Endoscopic Videos

2 code implementations23 Sep 2023 Rongfeng Wei, Jinlin Wu, Xuexue Bai, Ming Feng, Zhen Lei, Hongbin Liu, Zhen Chen

In minimally invasive surgery, surgical instrument localization is a crucial task for endoscopic videos, which enables various applications for improving surgical outcomes.

Trusted Multi-Scale Classification Framework for Whole Slide Image

no code implementations12 Jul 2022 Ming Feng, Kele Xu, Nanhui Wu, Weiquan Huang, Yan Bai, Changjian Wang, Huaimin Wang

Leveraging the Vision Transformer as the backbone for multi branches, our framework can jointly classification modeling, estimating the uncertainty of each magnification of a microscope and integrate the evidence from different magnification.


Underwater Acoustic Communication Channel Modeling using Reservoir Computing

no code implementations30 May 2022 Oluwaseyi Onasami, Ming Feng, Hao Xu, Mulugeta Haile, Lijun Qian

Underwater acoustic (UWA) communications have been widely used but greatly impaired due to the complicated nature of the underwater environment.

Transfer Learning

3D Shuffle-Mixer: An Efficient Context-Aware Vision Learner of Transformer-MLP Paradigm for Dense Prediction in Medical Volume

no code implementations14 Apr 2022 Jianye Pang, Cheng Jiang, Yihao Chen, Jianbo Chang, Ming Feng, Renzhi Wang, Jianhua Yao

Therefore, designing an elegant and efficient vision transformer learner for dense prediction in medical volume is promising and challenging.

Inductive Bias

A Deep Learning Model for Forecasting Global Monthly Mean Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

no code implementations21 Feb 2022 John Taylor, Ming Feng

However, the prediction of the marine heatwaves in the southeast Indian Ocean, the Ningaloo Ni\~{n}o, shows limited skill.

Time Series Prediction

Large-Scale Unsupervised Person Re-Identification with Contrastive Learning

no code implementations17 May 2021 Weiquan Huang, Yan Bai, Qiuyu Ren, Xinbo Zhao, Ming Feng, Yin Wang

In particular, most existing unsupervised and domain adaptation ReID methods utilize only the public datasets in their experiments, with labels removed.

Contrastive Learning Domain Adaptation +3

Convolutional Neural Network-Based Age Estimation Using B-Mode Ultrasound Tongue Image

no code implementations27 Jan 2021 Kele Xu, Tamas Gábor Csapó, Ming Feng

Ultrasound tongue imaging is widely used for speech production research, and it has attracted increasing attention as its potential applications seem to be evident in many different fields, such as the visual biofeedback tool for second language acquisition and silent speech interface.

Age Estimation Language Acquisition

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