Search Results for author: Mingjian Tang

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Developing Responsible Chatbots for Financial Services: A Pattern-Oriented Responsible AI Engineering Approach

no code implementations3 Jan 2023 Qinghua Lu, Yuxiu Luo, Liming Zhu, Mingjian Tang, Xiwei Xu, Jon Whittle

In this article, we first summarise the major challenges in operationalising responsible AI at scale and introduce how we use the Responsible AI Pattern Catalogue to address those challenges.

Chatbot Fairness

Robust Information Bottleneck for Task-Oriented Communication with Digital Modulation

1 code implementation21 Sep 2022 Songjie Xie, Shuai Ma, Ming Ding, Yuanming Shi, Mingjian Tang, Youlong Wu

Task-oriented communications, mostly using learning-based joint source-channel coding (JSCC), aim to design a communication-efficient edge inference system by transmitting task-relevant information to the receiver.


DATSING: Data Augmented Time Series Forecasting with Adversarial Domain Adaptation

no code implementations ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management 2020 Hailin Hu, Mingjian Tang, Chengcheng Bai

In this work, we have developed, DATSING, a transfer learning-based framework that effectively leverages cross-domain time series latent representations to augment target domain forecasting.

Domain Adaptation Time Series +2

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