Search Results for author: Mingkun Huang

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Language Adaptive Cross-lingual Speech Representation Learning with Sparse Sharing Sub-networks

no code implementations9 Mar 2022 Yizhou Lu, Mingkun Huang, Xinghua Qu, Pengfei Wei, Zejun Ma

It makes room for language specific modeling by pruning out unimportant parameters for each language, without requiring any manually designed language specific component.

Representation Learning speech-recognition +2

Dynamic latency speech recognition with asynchronous revision

no code implementations3 Nov 2020 Mingkun Huang, Meng Cai, Jun Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yongbin You, Yi He, Zejun Ma

In this work we propose an inference technique, asynchronous revision, to unify streaming and non-streaming speech recognition models.

Decoder speech-recognition +1

Improving RNN transducer with normalized jointer network

no code implementations3 Nov 2020 Mingkun Huang, Jun Zhang, Meng Cai, Yang Zhang, Jiali Yao, Yongbin You, Yi He, Zejun Ma

In this work, we analyze the cause of the huge gradient variance in RNN-T training and proposed a new \textit{normalized jointer network} to overcome it.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2

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