Search Results for author: Mingtao Xia

Found 10 papers, 2 papers with code

A local squared Wasserstein-2 method for efficient reconstruction of models with uncertainty

no code implementations10 Jun 2024 Mingtao Xia, Qijing Shen

In this paper, we propose a local squared Wasserstein-2 (W_2) method to solve the inverse problem of reconstructing models with uncertain latent variables or parameters.

Uncertainty Quantification

An efficient Wasserstein-distance approach for reconstructing jump-diffusion processes using parameterized neural networks

no code implementations3 Jun 2024 Mingtao Xia, Xiangting Li, Qijing Shen, Tom Chou

We analyze the Wasserstein distance ($W$-distance) between two probability distributions associated with two multidimensional jump-diffusion processes.

Kinetic theories of state- and generation-dependent cell populations

no code implementations8 Mar 2024 Mingtao Xia, Tom Chou

We formulate a general, high-dimensional kinetic theory describing the internal state (such as gene expression or protein levels) of cells in a stochastically evolving population.


Squared Wasserstein-2 Distance for Efficient Reconstruction of Stochastic Differential Equations

no code implementations21 Jan 2024 Mingtao Xia, Xiangting Li, Qijing Shen, Tom Chou

We provide an analysis of the squared Wasserstein-2 ($W_2$) distance between two probability distributions associated with two stochastic differential equations (SDEs).

A Spectral Approach for Learning Spatiotemporal Neural Differential Equations

no code implementations28 Sep 2023 Mingtao Xia, Xiangting Li, Qijing Shen, Tom Chou

Rapidly developing machine learning methods has stimulated research interest in computationally reconstructing differential equations (DEs) from observational data which may provide additional insight into underlying causative mechanisms.

Overcompensation of transient and permanent death rate increases in age-structured models with cannibalistic interactions

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Mingtao Xia, Xiangting Li, Tom Chou

There has been renewed interest in understanding the mathematical structure of ecological population models that lead to overcompensation, the process by which a population recovers to a higher level after suffering a permanent increase in predation or harvesting.

Spectrally Adapted Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Unbounded Domain Problems

1 code implementation6 Feb 2022 Mingtao Xia, Lucas Böttcher, Tom Chou

We propose a solution to such problems by combining two classes of numerical methods: (i) adaptive spectral methods and (ii) physics-informed neural networks (PINNs).

PDE models of adder mechanisms in cellular proliferation

no code implementations27 Mar 2020 Mingtao Xia, Chris D. Greenman, Tom Chou

Existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to our 2+1-dimensional PDE model are proved, leading to the convergence of the discretized numerical solutions and allowing us to numerically compute the dynamics of cell population densities.

How heterogeneous thymic output and homeostatic proliferation shape naive T cell receptor clone abundance distributions

no code implementations18 Jun 2019 Renaud Dessalles, Yunbei Pan, Mingtao Xia, Davide Maestrini, Maria R. D'Orsogna, Tom Chou

Using a mean-field approximation to the solution of a regulated birth-death-immigration model and a modification arising from sampling, we systematically quantify how TCR-dependent heterogeneities in immigration and proliferation rates affect the shape of clone abundance distributions (the number of different clones that are represented by a specific number of cells, or "clone counts").

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