Search Results for author: Mingyang Yin

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Intra-session Context-aware Feed Recommendation in Live Systems

no code implementations30 Sep 2022 Luo Ji, Gao Liu, Mingyang Yin, Hongxia Yang

Feed recommendation allows users to constantly browse items until feel uninterested and leave the session, which differs from traditional recommendation scenarios.

Linear-Time Self Attention with Codeword Histogram for Efficient Recommendation

1 code implementation28 May 2021 Yongji Wu, Defu Lian, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Lu Yin, Mingyang Yin, Jingren Zhou, Hongxia Yang

Inspired by the idea of vector quantization that uses cluster centroids to approximate items, we propose LISA (LInear-time Self Attention), which enjoys both the effectiveness of vanilla self-attention and the efficiency of sparse attention.

Quantization Sequential Recommendation

Rethinking Lifelong Sequential Recommendation with Incremental Multi-Interest Attention

no code implementations28 May 2021 Yongji Wu, Lu Yin, Defu Lian, Mingyang Yin, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Jingren Zhou, Hongxia Yang

With the rapid development of these services in the last two decades, users have accumulated a massive amount of behavior data.

Sequential Recommendation

Federated Graph Learning -- A Position Paper

no code implementations24 May 2021 Huanding Zhang, Tao Shen, Fei Wu, Mingyang Yin, Hongxia Yang, Chao Wu

Federated learning (FL) is a an emerging technique that can collaboratively train a shared model while keeping the data decentralized, which is a rational solution for distributed GNN training.

Federated Learning Graph Learning +1

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