Search Results for author: Minh Huynh

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

RadioGalaxyNET: Dataset and Novel Computer Vision Algorithms for the Detection of Extended Radio Galaxies and Infrared Hosts

3 code implementations1 Dec 2023 Nikhel Gupta, Zeeshan Hayder, Ray P. Norris, Minh Huynh, Lars Petersson

Creating radio galaxy catalogues from next-generation deep surveys requires automated identification of associated components of extended sources and their corresponding infrared hosts.

object-detection Object Detection +1

Deep Learning for Morphological Identification of Extended Radio Galaxies using Weak Labels

1 code implementation9 Aug 2023 Nikhel Gupta, Zeeshan Hayder, Ray P. Norris, Minh Huynh, Lars Petersson, X. Rosalind Wang, Heinz Andernach, Bärbel S. Koribalski, Miranda Yew, Evan J. Crawford

The CAMs are further refined using an inter-pixel relations network (IRNet) to get instance segmentation masks over radio galaxies and the positions of their infrared hosts.

Instance Segmentation Pathfinder +1

Mitigating Cold-start Forecasting using Cold Causal Demand Forecasting Model

no code implementations15 Jun 2023 Zahra Fatemi, Minh Huynh, Elena Zheleva, Zamir Syed, Xiaojun Di

Our experiments demonstrate that the CDF-cold framework outperforms state-of-the-art forecasting models in predicting future values of multivariate time series data.

Causal Inference Demand Forecasting +1

A Numerical Evaluation of the Accuracy of Influence Maximization Algorithms

1 code implementation Springer 2020 Hautahi Kingi, Li-An Daniel Wang, Tom Shafer, Minh Huynh, MikeTrinh, Aaron Heuser

We develop an algorithm to compute exact solutions to the influence maximization problem using concepts from reverse influence sampling (RIS).

Asymptotic convergence in distribution of the area bounded by prevalence-weighted Kaplan-Meier curves using empirical process modeling

2 code implementations10 Jan 2017 Aaron Heuser, Minh Huynh, Joshua C. Chang

The Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimator is a simple and powerful tool in time to event analysis.

Methodology Probability Statistics Theory Statistics Theory

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