Search Results for author: Minjune Hwang

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

NOIR: Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots for Everyday Activities

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Ruohan Zhang, Sharon Lee, Minjune Hwang, Ayano Hiranaka, Chen Wang, Wensi Ai, Jin Jie Ryan Tan, Shreya Gupta, Yilun Hao, Gabrael Levine, Ruohan Gao, Anthony Norcia, Li Fei-Fei, Jiajun Wu

We present Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots (NOIR), a general-purpose, intelligent brain-robot interface system that enables humans to command robots to perform everyday activities through brain signals.


Primitive Skill-based Robot Learning from Human Evaluative Feedback

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Ayano Hiranaka, Minjune Hwang, Sharon Lee, Chen Wang, Li Fei-Fei, Jiajun Wu, Ruohan Zhang

By combining them, SEED reduces the human effort required in RLHF and increases safety in training robot manipulation with RL in real-world settings.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +2

Text Analytics for Resilience-Enabled Extreme Events Reconnaissance

no code implementations26 Nov 2020 Alicia Y. Tsai, Selim Gunay, Minjune Hwang, Pengyuan Zhai, Chenglong Li, Laurent El Ghaoui, Khalid M. Mosalam

Post-hazard reconnaissance for natural disasters (e. g., earthquakes) is important for understanding the performance of the built environment, speeding up the recovery, enhancing resilience and making informed decisions related to current and future hazards.

Minority Reports Defense: Defending Against Adversarial Patches

no code implementations28 Apr 2020 Michael McCoyd, Won Park, Steven Chen, Neil Shah, Ryan Roggenkemper, Minjune Hwang, Jason Xinyu Liu, David Wagner

We propose a defense against patch attacks based on partially occluding the image around each candidate patch location, so that a few occlusions each completely hide the patch.

Adversarial Attack General Classification +1

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