Search Results for author: Minkyoung Cho

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

ADoPT: LiDAR Spoofing Attack Detection Based on Point-Level Temporal Consistency

no code implementations23 Oct 2023 Minkyoung Cho, Yulong Cao, Zixiang Zhou, Z. Morley Mao

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are increasingly integrated into LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)-based perception systems for autonomous vehicles (AVs), requiring robust performance under adversarial conditions.

Anomaly Detection Autonomous Vehicles

DynaMIX: Resource Optimization for DNN-Based Real-Time Applications on a Multi-Tasking System

no code implementations3 Feb 2023 Minkyoung Cho, Kang G. Shin

As deep neural networks (DNNs) prove their importance and feasibility, more and more DNN-based apps, such as detection and classification of objects, have been developed and deployed on autonomous vehicles (AVs).

Autonomous Vehicles

Data-free mixed-precision quantization using novel sensitivity metric

no code implementations18 Mar 2021 DongHyun Lee, Minkyoung Cho, Seungwon Lee, Joonho Song, Changkyu Choi

Post-training quantization is a representative technique for compressing neural networks, making them smaller and more efficient for deployment on edge devices.


Contextual Relationship-based Activity Segmentation on an Event Stream in the IoT Environment with Multi-user Activities

no code implementations20 Sep 2016 Minkyoung Cho, Younggi Kim, Younghee Lee

To discover the intrinsic relationships between the events in a stream, we utilized the LSTM model by rendering it for the activity segmentation.

Human Activity Recognition

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