Search Results for author: Minsoo Lee

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

ReFu: Refine and Fuse the Unobserved View for Detail-Preserving Single-Image 3D Human Reconstruction

no code implementations9 Nov 2022 Gyumin Shim, Minsoo Lee, Jaegul Choo

Single-image 3D human reconstruction aims to reconstruct the 3D textured surface of the human body given a single image.

3D Human Reconstruction

3D-GIF: 3D-Controllable Object Generation via Implicit Factorized Representations

no code implementations12 Mar 2022 Minsoo Lee, Chaeyeon Chung, Hojun Cho, Minjung Kim, Sanghun Jung, Jaegul Choo, Minhyuk Sung

While NeRF-based 3D-aware image generation methods enable viewpoint control, limitations still remain to be adopted to various 3D applications.

3D geometry Image Generation

VITON-HD: High-Resolution Virtual Try-On via Misalignment-Aware Normalization

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Seunghwan Choi, Sunghyun Park, Minsoo Lee, Jaegul Choo

The task of image-based virtual try-on aims to transfer a target clothing item onto the corresponding region of a person, which is commonly tackled by fitting the item to the desired body part and fusing the warped item with the person.

Virtual Try-on Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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