no code implementations • 3 Oct 2023 • Manoj Vishwanath, Steven Cao, Nikil Dutt, Amir M. Rahmani, Miranda M. Lim, Hung Cao
We tested the robustness of this transfer learning technique on various rule-based classical machine learning models as well as the EEGNet-based deep learning model by evaluating on different datasets, including human and mouse data in a binary classification task of detecting individuals with versus without traumatic brain injury (TBI).
no code implementations • 23 Jan 2021 • Navjodh Singh Dhillon, Agustinus Sutandi, Manoj Vishwanath, Miranda M. Lim, Hung Cao, Dong Si
The increasing affordability and reduction in size of relatively high-performance computing systems combined with promising results from TBI related machine learning research make it possible to create compact and portable systems for early detection of TBI.