1 code implementation • ICLR 2020 • Osman Asif Malik, Shashanka Ubaru, Lior Horesh, Misha E. Kilmer, Haim Avron
In recent years, a variety of graph neural networks (GNNs) have been successfully applied for representation learning and prediction on such graphs.
no code implementations • 25 Sep 2019 • Elizabeth Newman, Misha E. Kilmer
Building on that work, in this paper, we use of non-negative tensor patch-based dictionaries trained on other data, such as facial image data, for the purposes of either compression or image deblurring.
no code implementations • 8 Jun 2015 • Sara Soltani, Misha E. Kilmer, Per Christian Hansen
Our approach differs from past approaches in that a) we use a third-order tensor representation for our images and b) we recast the reconstruction problem using the tensor formulation.
no code implementations • 19 Jul 2013 • Oguz Semerci, Ning Hao, Misha E. Kilmer, Eric L. Miller
Specifically, we model the multi-spectral unknown as a 3-way tensor where the first two dimensions are space and the third dimension is energy.