no code implementations • 24 Jun 2018 • Mohammad Hajizadeh Saffar, Mohsen Fayyaz, Mohammad Sabokrou, Mahmood Fathy
To deal with these difficulties and modeling the signatures efficiently, we propose a method that a one-class classifier per each user is built on discriminative features.
no code implementations • 16 Jun 2018 • Mohammad Hajizadeh Saffar, Mohsen Fayyaz, Mohammad Sabokrou, Mahmood Fathy
This paper gives an overview on semantic segmentation consists of an explanation of this field, it's status and relation with other vision fundamental tasks, different datasets and common evaluation parameters that have been used by researchers.
1 code implementation • 21 Aug 2016 • Mohsen Fayyaz, Mohammad Hajizadeh Saffar, Mohammad Sabokrou, Mahmood Fathy, Reinhard klette, Fay Huang
Current work on convolutional neural networks(CNNs) has shown that CNNs provide advanced spatial features supporting a very good performance of solutions for both image and video analysis, especially for the semantic segmentation task.
no code implementations • 15 Aug 2015 • Mohsen Fayyaz, Masoud Pourreza, Mohammad Hajizadeh Saffar, Mohammad Sabokrou, Mahmood Fathy
In this paper, we propose a method for user Finger Vein Authentication (FVA) as a biometric system.