1 code implementation • 11 Apr 2023 • Mohammadreza Armandpour, Ali Sadeghian, Huangjie Zheng, Amir Sadeghian, Mingyuan Zhou
Although text-to-image diffusion models have made significant strides in generating images from text, they are sometimes more inclined to generate images like the data on which the model was trained rather than the provided text.
1 code implementation • 9 Sep 2022 • Renat Sergazinov, Mohammadreza Armandpour, Irina Gaynanova
Deep learning models achieve state-of-the art results in predicting blood glucose trajectories, with a wide range of architectures being proposed.
no code implementations • 15 Dec 2021 • Arman Hasanzadeh, Mohammadreza Armandpour, Ehsan Hajiramezanali, Mingyuan Zhou, Nick Duffield, Krishna Narayanan
By learning distributional representations, we provide uncertainty estimates in downstream graph analytics tasks and increase the expressive power of the predictive model.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2021 • Mohammadreza Armandpour, Ali Sadeghian, Mingyuan Zhou
The splitting function at each node of CPT is based on the logical disjunction of a community of differently weighted probabilistic linear decision-makers, which also geometrically corresponds to a convex polytope in the covariate space.
no code implementations • 21 Oct 2021 • Ting-yao Hu, Mohammadreza Armandpour, Ashish Shrivastava, Jen-Hao Rick Chang, Hema Koppula, Oncel Tuzel
With recent advances in speech synthesis, synthetic data is becoming a viable alternative to real data for training speech recognition models.
Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +2
1 code implementation • 29 Sep 2021 • Jiangyuan Li, Mohammadreza Armandpour
In this paper, we develop a deep learning approach based on encoder-decoder structure.
1 code implementation • 2 Jun 2021 • Mohammadreza Armandpour, Brian Kidd, Yu Du, Jianhua Z. Huang
To develop a better deep model for blood glucose forecasting, we analyze the data and detect important patterns.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2021 • Mohammadreza Armandpour, Ali Sadeghian, Chunyuan Li, Mingyuan Zhou
We formulate two desired criteria for the space partitioner that aid the training of our mixture of generators: 1) to produce connected partitions and 2) provide a proxy of distance between partitions and data samples, along with a direction for reducing that distance.
Ranked #13 on Image Generation on STL-10
no code implementations • 18 Mar 2021 • Ali Sadeghian, Mohammadreza Armandpour, Anthony Colas, Daisy Zhe Wang
In particular, the task of temporal link prediction.
1 code implementation • 21 Oct 2020 • Mohammadreza Armandpour, Mingyuan Zhou
The splitting function at each node of CPT is based on the logical disjunction of a community of differently weighted probabilistic linear decision-makers, which also geometrically corresponds to a convex polytope in the covariate space.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2019 • Ali Sadeghian, Mohammadreza Armandpour, Patrick Ding, Daisy Zhe Wang
Despite the importance of inductive link prediction, most previous works focused on transductive link prediction and cannot manage previously unseen entities.
Ranked #16 on Link Prediction on WN18RR
Inductive knowledge graph completion Inductive Link Prediction +1