Search Results for author: Mohit Singh

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

Online Refractive Camera Model Calibration in Visual Inertial Odometry

no code implementations18 Sep 2024 Mohit Singh, Kostas Alexis

This paper presents a general refractive camera model and online co-estimation of odometry and the refractive index of unknown media.

Camera Calibration

Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Socially Fair $k$-Clustering

no code implementations22 Jun 2022 Mehrdad Ghadiri, Mohit Singh, Santosh S. Vempala

We study approximation algorithms for the socially fair $(\ell_p, k)$-clustering problem with $m$ groups, whose special cases include the socially fair $k$-median ($p=1$) and socially fair $k$-means ($p=2$) problems.


Maximizing Determinants under Matroid Constraints

no code implementations16 Apr 2020 Vivek Madan, Aleksandar Nikolov, Mohit Singh, Uthaipon Tantipongpipat

Our main result is a new approximation algorithm with an approximation guarantee that depends only on the dimension $d$ of the vectors and not on the size $k$ of the output set.

2k Experimental Design

Effect of discrete breathers on the specific heat of a nonlinear chain

no code implementations7 Jul 2019 Mohit Singh, Alina Y. Morkina, Elena A. Korznikova, Volodymyr I. Dubinko, Dmitry A. Terentiev, Daxing Xiong, Oleg B. Naimark, Vakhid A. Gani, Sergey V. Dmitriev

A nonlinear chain with six-order polynomial on-site potential is used to analyze the evolution of the total to kinetic energy ratio during development of modulational instability of extended nonlinear vibrational modes.

Pattern Formation and Solitons Materials Science Mathematical Physics Mathematical Physics 37Mxx, 65P10, 65P40

Multi-Criteria Dimensionality Reduction with Applications to Fairness

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Uthaipon Tantipongpipat, Samira Samadi, Mohit Singh, Jamie Morgenstern, Santosh Vempala

Our main result is an exact polynomial-time algorithm for the two-criterion dimensionality reduction problem when the two criteria are increasing concave functions.

Dimensionality Reduction Fairness

Dynamic Resource Allocation in the Cloud with Near-Optimal Efficiency

1 code implementation7 Sep 2018 Ishai Menache, Sebastian Perez-Salazar, Mohit Singh, Alejandro Toriello

To ensure these service requirements, cloud offerings often come with a service level agreement (SLA) between the provider and the users.

Data Structures and Algorithms Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Computer Science and Game Theory

Efficient algorithms for robust submodular maximization under matroid constraints

no code implementations25 Jul 2018 Sebastian Pokutta, Mohit Singh, Alfredo Torrico

In this work, we consider robust submodular maximization with matroid constraints.

Approximation Algorithms for D-optimal Design

no code implementations23 Feb 2018 Mohit Singh, Weijun Xie

For the combinatorial experimental design problem, the goal is to pick $k$ out of the given $n$ experiments so as to make the most accurate estimate of the unknown parameters, denoted as $\hat{\beta}$.

Experimental Design

Proportional Volume Sampling and Approximation Algorithms for A-Optimal Design

no code implementations22 Feb 2018 Aleksandar Nikolov, Mohit Singh, Uthaipon Tao Tantipongpipat

Our main result is to obtain improved approximation algorithms for the $A$-optimal design problem by introducing the proportional volume sampling algorithm.

Clustering feature selection

A geometric alternative to Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent

no code implementations26 Jun 2015 Sébastien Bubeck, Yin Tat Lee, Mohit Singh

The new algorithm has a simple geometric interpretation, loosely inspired by the ellipsoid method.

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