Search Results for author: Monica Welfert

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Theoretical Guarantees of Data Augmented Last Layer Retraining Methods

no code implementations9 May 2024 Monica Welfert, Nathan Stromberg, Lalitha Sankar

Ensuring fair predictions across many distinct subpopulations in the training data can be prohibitive for large models.

Data Augmentation

Robustness to Subpopulation Shift with Domain Label Noise via Regularized Annotation of Domains

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Nathan Stromberg, Rohan Ayyagari, Monica Welfert, Sanmi Koyejo, Richard Nock, Lalitha Sankar

Existing methods for last layer retraining that aim to optimize worst-group accuracy (WGA) rely heavily on well-annotated groups in the training data.

Addressing GAN Training Instabilities via Tunable Classification Losses

no code implementations27 Oct 2023 Monica Welfert, Gowtham R. Kurri, Kyle Otstot, Lalitha Sankar

Generalizing this dual-objective formulation using CPE losses, we define and obtain upper bounds on an appropriately defined estimation error.


$(α_D,α_G)$-GANs: Addressing GAN Training Instabilities via Dual Objectives

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Monica Welfert, Kyle Otstot, Gowtham R. Kurri, Lalitha Sankar

In an effort to address the training instabilities of GANs, we introduce a class of dual-objective GANs with different value functions (objectives) for the generator (G) and discriminator (D).

$α$-GAN: Convergence and Estimation Guarantees

no code implementations12 May 2022 Gowtham R. Kurri, Monica Welfert, Tyler Sypherd, Lalitha Sankar

We prove a two-way correspondence between the min-max optimization of general CPE loss function GANs and the minimization of associated $f$-divergences.

Generating Fair Universal Representations using Adversarial Models

no code implementations27 Sep 2019 Peter Kairouz, Jiachun Liao, Chong Huang, Maunil Vyas, Monica Welfert, Lalitha Sankar

We present a data-driven framework for learning fair universal representations (FUR) that guarantee statistical fairness for any learning task that may not be known a priori.

Fairness Human Activity Recognition

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