Search Results for author: Moongu Jeon

Found 40 papers, 19 papers with code

NBBOX: Noisy Bounding Box Improves Remote Sensing Object Detection

1 code implementation14 Sep 2024 Yechan Kim, SooYeon Kim, Moongu Jeon

Data augmentation has shown significant advancements in computer vision to improve model performance over the years, particularly in scenarios with limited and insufficient data.

Data Augmentation Object +2

Rethinking Feature Backbone Fine-tuning for Remote Sensing Object Detection

no code implementations21 Jul 2024 Yechan Kim, JongHyun Park, SooYeon Kim, Moongu Jeon

Fine-tuning the backbone is then typically required to generate features suitable for remote-sensing images.

object-detection Object Detection

Visual Multi-Object Tracking with Re-Identification and Occlusion Handling using Labeled Random Finite Sets

2 code implementations11 Jul 2024 Linh Van Ma, Tran Thien Dat Nguyen, Changbeom Shim, Du Yong Kim, Namkoo Ha, Moongu Jeon

In occlusion handling, the filter's efficacy is dictated by trade-offs between the sophistication of the occlusion model and computational demand.

Multi-Object Tracking Object +1

Track Initialization and Re-Identification for~3D Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking

3 code implementations28 May 2024 Linh Van Ma, Tran Thien Dat Nguyen, Ba-Ngu Vo, Hyunsung Jang, Moongu Jeon

Specifically, we exploit the 2D detections and extracted features from multiple cameras to provide a better approximation of the multi-object filtering density to realize the track initiation/termination and re-identification functionalities.

3D Multi-Object Tracking Object +1

WaveDH: Wavelet Sub-bands Guided ConvNet for Efficient Image Dehazing

1 code implementation2 Apr 2024 Seongmin Hwang, Daeyoung Han, Cheolkon Jung, Moongu Jeon

In this paper, we introduce WaveDH, a novel and compact ConvNet designed to address this efficiency gap in image dehazing.

Image Dehazing Single Image Dehazing

Adaptive Confidence Threshold for ByteTrack in Multi-Object Tracking

1 code implementation4 Dec 2023 Linh Van Ma, Muhammad Ishfaq Hussain, JongHyun Park, Jeongbae Kim, Moongu Jeon

ByteTrack, a simple tracking algorithm, enables the simultaneous tracking of multiple objects by strategically incorporating detections with a low confidence threshold.

Multi-Object Tracking Multiple Object Tracking +1

Radar-Lidar Fusion for Object Detection by Designing Effective Convolution Networks

no code implementations30 Oct 2023 Farzeen Munir, Shoaib Azam, Tomasz Kucner, Ville Kyrki, Moongu Jeon

This underscores the value of radar-Lidar fusion in achieving precise object detection and localization, especially in challenging weather conditions.

Object object-detection +3

3D Convolutional with Attention for Action Recognition

no code implementations5 Jun 2022 Labina Shrestha, Shikha Dubey, Farrukh Olimov, Muhammad Aasim Rafique, Moongu Jeon

The current action recognition methods use computationally expensive models for learning spatio-temporal dependencies of the action.

Action Recognition Optical Flow Estimation +1

Light Robust Monocular Depth Estimation For Outdoor Environment Via Monochrome And Color Camera Fusion

no code implementations24 Feb 2022 Hyeonsoo Jang, YeongMin Ko, Younkwan Lee, Moongu Jeon

Our methods not only outperform the state-of-the-art works across all metrics but also efficient in terms of cost, memory, and computation.

Autonomous Driving Monocular Depth Estimation +2

Multi-Modal Fusion for Sensorimotor Coordination in Steering Angle Prediction

1 code implementation11 Feb 2022 Farzeen Munir, Shoaib Azam, Byung-Geun Lee, Moongu Jeon

The conventional frame-based RGB camera is the most common exteroceptive sensor modality used to acquire the environmental perception data.

Imitation Learning

ARTSeg: Employing Attention for Thermal images Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations30 Nov 2021 Farzeen Munir, Shoaib Azam, Unse Fatima, Moongu Jeon

Therefore, the neural network algorithms developed using these exteroceptive sensors have provided the necessary solution for the autonomous vehicle's perception.

Decoder Semantic Segmentation

Task-Driven Deep Image Enhancement Network for Autonomous Driving in Bad Weather

no code implementations14 Oct 2021 Younkwan Lee, Jihyo Jeon, YeongMin Ko, Byunggwan Jeon, Moongu Jeon

Visual perception in autonomous driving is a crucial part of a vehicle to navigate safely and sustainably in different traffic conditions.

Autonomous Driving Depth Estimation +4

RVMDE: Radar Validated Monocular Depth Estimation for Robotics

1 code implementation11 Sep 2021 Muhamamd Ishfaq Hussain, Muhammad Aasim Rafique, Moongu Jeon

This work explores the utility of coarse signals from radar when fused with fine-grained data from a monocular camera for depth estimation in harsh environmental conditions.

Monocular Depth Estimation Self-Driving Cars +1

SSTN: Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Thermal Object Detection for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations4 Mar 2021 Farzeen Munir, Shoaib Azam, Moongu Jeon

For this purpose, we have proposed a deep neural network Self Supervised Thermal Network (SSTN) for learning the feature embedding to maximize the information between visible and infrared spectrum domain by contrastive learning, and later employing these learned feature representation for the thermal object detection using multi-scale encoder-decoder transformer network.

Autonomous Driving Contrastive Learning +4

Image Captioning using Multiple Transformers for Self-Attention Mechanism

no code implementations14 Feb 2021 Farrukh Olimov, Shikha Dubey, Labina Shrestha, Tran Trung Tin, Moongu Jeon

Real-time image captioning, along with adequate precision, is the main challenge of this research field.

Image Captioning

Channel Boosting Feature Ensemble for Radar-based Object Detection

no code implementations10 Jan 2021 Shoaib Azam, Farzeen Munir, Moongu Jeon

The proposed method's efficacy is extensively evaluated using the COCO evaluation metric, and the best-proposed model surpasses its state-of-the-art counterpart method by $12. 55\%$ and $12. 48\%$ in both good and good-bad weather conditions.

Autonomous Vehicles Decoder +3

LDNet: End-to-End Lane Marking Detection Approach Using a Dynamic Vision Sensor

1 code implementation17 Sep 2020 Farzeen Munir, Shoaib Azam, Moongu Jeon, Byung-Geun Lee, Witold Pedrycz

Traditional lane detection methods incorporate handcrafted or deep learning-based features followed by postprocessing techniques for lane extraction using frame-based RGB cameras.

Autonomous Driving Decoder +1

Imbalanced Image Classification with Complement Cross Entropy

2 code implementations4 Sep 2020 Yechan Kim, Younkwan Lee, Moongu Jeon

Recently, deep learning models have achieved great success in computer vision applications, relying on large-scale class-balanced datasets.

Classification General Classification +2

Online Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation with GMPHD Filter and Mask-based Affinity Fusion

1 code implementation31 Aug 2020 Young-min Song, Young-chul Yoon, Kwangjin Yoon, Moongu Jeon, Seong-Whan Lee, Witold Pedrycz

One affinity, for position and motion, is computed by using the GMPHD filter, and the other affinity, for appearance is computed by using the responses from a single object tracker such as a kernalized correlation filter.

Instance Segmentation Multi-Object Tracking +2

N 2 C : Neural Network Controller Design Using Behavioral Cloning

no code implementations1 Jun 2020 Shoaib Azam, Farzeen Munir, Muhammad Aasim Rafique, Ahmad Muqeem Sheri, Muhammad Ishfaq Hussain, Moongu Jeon

In the first part of this study, we explore the pipeline of parsing decision commands from the path tracking algorithm to the controller and proposed a neural network-based controller ($N^2C$) using behavioral cloning.

Model Predictive Control Motion Planning

Exploring Thermal Images for Object Detection in Underexposure Regions for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations1 Jun 2020 Farzeen Munir, Shoaib Azam, Muhammd Aasim Rafique, Ahmad Muqeem Sheri, Moongu Jeon, Witold Pedrycz

A thermal camera captures an image using the heat difference emitted by objects in the infrared spectrum, and object detection in thermal images becomes effective for autonomous driving in challenging conditions.

Autonomous Driving Domain Adaptation +6

Context-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Traffic Scene Recognition in Autonomous Vehicles

no code implementations3 Apr 2020 Younkwan Lee, Jihyo Jeon, Jongmin Yu, Moongu Jeon

Specifically, we present a lower bound for the mutual information constraint between shared feature embedding and input that is considered to be able to extract common contextual information across tasks while preserving essential information of each task jointly.

Autonomous Vehicles Multi-Task Learning +1

Key Points Estimation and Point Instance Segmentation Approach for Lane Detection

10 code implementations16 Feb 2020 Yeongmin Ko, Younkwan Lee, Shoaib Azam, Farzeen Munir, Moongu Jeon, Witold Pedrycz

In the case of traffic line detection, an essential perception module, many condition should be considered, such as number of traffic lines and computing power of the target system.

Ranked #42 on Lane Detection on CULane (using extra training data)

Autonomous Driving Clustering +4

3D ResNet with Ranking Loss Function for Abnormal Activity Detection in Videos

no code implementations4 Feb 2020 Shikha Dubey, Abhijeet Boragule, Moongu Jeon

Afterwards, using these features and deep multiple instance learning along with the proposed ranking loss, our model learns to predict the abnormality score at the video segment level.

Action Detection Action Recognition +4

Unsupervised Pixel-level Road Defect Detection via Adversarial Image-to-Frequency Transform

1 code implementation30 Jan 2020 Jongmin Yu, Duyong Kim, Younkwan Lee, Moongu Jeon

To end this, we propose an unsupervised approach to detecting road defects, using Adversarial Image-to-Frequency Transform (AIFT).

Defect Detection

Drivers Drowsiness Detection using Condition-Adaptive Representation Learning Framework

no code implementations22 Oct 2019 Jongmin Yu, Sangwoo Park, Sangwook Lee, Moongu Jeon

The proposed framework consists of four models: spatio-temporal representation learning, scene condition understanding, feature fusion, and drowsiness detection.

Representation Learning

Practical License Plate Recognition in Unconstrained Surveillance Systems with Adversarial Super-Resolution

1 code implementation10 Oct 2019 Younkwan Lee, Jiwon Jun, Yoojin Hong, Moongu Jeon

Although most current license plate (LP) recognition applications have been significantly advanced, they are still limited to ideal environments where training data are carefully annotated with constrained scenes.

License Plate Recognition Super-Resolution

Unconstrained Road Marking Recognition with Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations10 Oct 2019 Younkwan Lee, Juhyun Lee, Yoojin Hong, YeongMin Ko, Moongu Jeon

Recent road marking recognition has achieved great success in the past few years along with the rapid development of deep learning.

Data Augmentation Deblurring

Online Multi-Object Tracking Framework with the GMPHD Filter and Occlusion Group Management

2 code implementations31 Jul 2019 Young-min Song, Kwangjin Yoon, Young-chul Yoon, Kin-Choong Yow, Moongu Jeon

In this paper, we propose an efficient online multi-object tracking framework based on the GMPHD filter and occlusion group management scheme where the GMPHD filter utilizes hierarchical data association to reduce the false negatives caused by miss detection.

Management Multiple Object Tracking +2

Online Multiple Pedestrians Tracking using Deep Temporal Appearance Matching Association

1 code implementation1 Jul 2019 Young-chul Yoon, Du Yong Kim, Young-min Song, Kwangjin Yoon, Moongu Jeon

The higher dimension of inherent information in the appearance model compared to the geometric model is problematic in many ways.


Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Algorithm for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking with Disjoint Views

no code implementations25 Jan 2019 Kwangjin Yoon, Young-min Song, Moongu Jeon

Furthermore, multi-target tracking within a camera is performed simultaneously with the tree formation by manipulating a status of each track hypothesis.

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