Search Results for author: Moritz Neun

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

Metropolitan Segment Traffic Speeds from Massive Floating Car Data in 10 Cities

1 code implementation17 Feb 2023 Moritz Neun, Christian Eichenberger, Yanan Xin, Cheng Fu, Nina Wiedemann, Henry Martin, Martin Tomko, Lukas Ambühl, Luca Hermes, Michael Kopp

Traffic analysis is crucial for urban operations and planning, while the availability of dense urban traffic data beyond loop detectors is still scarce.

Privacy Preserving

Profiling and Improving the PyTorch Dataloader for high-latency Storage: A Technical Report

1 code implementation9 Nov 2022 Ivan Svogor, Christian Eichenberger, Markus Spanring, Moritz Neun, Michael Kopp

We designed a series of benchmarks that outline performance issues of certain steps in the data loading process.

Deep Learning

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