Search Results for author: Moshe Ben-Akiva

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

A Multi-day Needs-based Modeling Approach for Activity and Travel Demand Analysis

no code implementations24 Dec 2023 Kexin Chen, Jinping Guan, Ravi Seshadri, Varun Pattabhiraman, Youssef Medhat Aboutaleb, Ali Shamshiripour, Chen Liang, Xiaochun Zhang, Moshe Ben-Akiva

The utility includes both the benefit in the inventory gained and the cost in time, monetary expense as well as maintenance of safety stock.

Adaptive Transit Design: Optimizing Fixed and Demand Responsive Multi-Modal Transportation via Continuous Approximation

no code implementations29 Dec 2021 Giovanni Calabro', Andrea Araldo, Simon Oh, Ravi Seshadri, Giuseppe Inturri, Moshe Ben-Akiva

Our model allows deciding whether to deploy a FR or a DR feeder, in each sub-region of an urban conurbation and each time of day, and to redesign the line frequencies and the stop spacing of the main trunk service.

Discrete Choice Analysis with Machine Learning Capabilities

no code implementations21 Jan 2021 Youssef M. Aboutaleb, Mazen Danaf, Yifei Xie, Moshe Ben-Akiva

This paper discusses capabilities that are essential to models applied in policy analysis settings and the limitations of direct applications of off-the-shelf machine learning methodologies to such settings.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Discrete Choice Models

Learning Structure in Nested Logit Models

1 code implementation18 Aug 2020 Youssef M. Aboutaleb, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Patrick Jaillet

We formulate the problem of learning an optimal nesting structure from the data as a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) optimization problem and solve it using a variant of the linear outer approximation algorithm.

A Neural-embedded Choice Model: TasteNet-MNL Modeling Taste Heterogeneity with Flexibility and Interpretability

2 code implementations3 Feb 2020 Yafei Han, Francisco Camara Pereira, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Christopher Zegras

Our formulation consists of two modules: a neural network (TasteNet) that learns taste parameters (e. g., time coefficient) as flexible functions of individual characteristics; and a multinomial logit (MNL) model with utility functions defined with expert knowledge.

Benchmarking Discrete Choice Models

Sparse Covariance Estimation in Logit Mixture Models

no code implementations14 Jan 2020 Youssef M. Aboutaleb, Mazen Danaf, Yifei Xie, Moshe Ben-Akiva

We propose a new estimator, called MISC, that uses a mixed-integer optimization (MIO) program to find an optimal block diagonal structure specification for the covariance matrix, corresponding to subsets of correlated coefficients, for any desired sparsity level using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) posterior draws from the unrestricted full covariance matrix.

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