Search Results for author: Mufei Li

Found 9 papers, 6 papers with code

Underestimated Privacy Risks for Minority Populations in Large Language Model Unlearning

no code implementations11 Dec 2024 Rongzhe Wei, Mufei Li, Mohsen Ghassemi, Eleonora Kreačić, YiFan Li, Xiang Yue, Bo Li, Vamsi K. Potluru, Pan Li, Eli Chien

Given that the right to be forgotten should be upheld for every individual, we advocate for a more rigorous evaluation of LLM unlearning methods.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

LayerDAG: A Layerwise Autoregressive Diffusion Model for Directed Acyclic Graph Generation

1 code implementation4 Nov 2024 Mufei Li, Viraj Shitole, Eli Chien, Changhai Man, Zhaodong Wang, Srinivas Sridharan, Ying Zhang, Tushar Krishna, Pan Li

By interpreting the partial order of nodes as a sequence of bipartite graphs, LayerDAG leverages autoregressive generation to model directional dependencies and employs diffusion models to capture logical dependencies within each bipartite graph.

Benchmarking Graph Generation

Simple is Effective: The Roles of Graphs and Large Language Models in Knowledge-Graph-Based Retrieval-Augmented Generation

1 code implementation28 Oct 2024 Mufei Li, Siqi Miao, Pan Li

However, current KG-based RAG frameworks still struggle to optimize the trade-off between retrieval effectiveness and efficiency in identifying a suitable amount of relevant graph information for the LLM to digest.

RAG Retrieval

KGExplainer: Towards Exploring Connected Subgraph Explanations for Knowledge Graph Completion

no code implementations5 Apr 2024 Tengfei Ma, Xiang Song, Wen Tao, Mufei Li, Jiani Zhang, Xiaoqin Pan, Jianxin Lin, Bosheng Song, Xiangxiang Zeng

Knowledge graph completion (KGC) aims to alleviate the inherent incompleteness of knowledge graphs (KGs), which is a critical task for various applications, such as recommendations on the web.

Knowledge Graph Embedding

GraphMaker: Can Diffusion Models Generate Large Attributed Graphs?

1 code implementation20 Oct 2023 Mufei Li, Eleonora Kreačić, Vamsi K. Potluru, Pan Li

However, these models face challenges in generating large attributed graphs due to the complex attribute-structure correlations and the large size of these graphs.

Attribute Graph Generation

Benchmarking Accuracy and Generalizability of Four Graph Neural Networks Using Large In Vitro ADME Datasets from Different Chemical Spaces

1 code implementation27 Nov 2021 Fabio Broccatelli, Richard Trager, Michael Reutlinger, George Karypis, Mufei Li

In this work, we benchmark a variety of single- and multi-task graph neural network (GNN) models against lower-bar and higher-bar traditional machine learning approaches employing human engineered molecular features.

Benchmarking Graph Attention +1

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